Due to apathy of local officials of the livestock department in Dadu district, a large number of cattle heads have died and many cattle heads are still ill due to outbreak of a mysterious disease.
Cattle heads owners complained that the mysterious disease is causing deaths of cattle heads seriously in different parts of union council chhinni, Sawaro, TR Khan and Wahi Pandhi of taluka Johi. Korokoat, Sadobado, Gorakh Hills, Puorasar areas of Dadu district are also seriously affected as 200 animals died in one day in mysterious disease among animals.
Speaking with this reporter, affected cattle head resident of Karo Kaot, Nazeer Birohi said that in period of last three days, his ten sheep died due to mysterious disease among cattle heads. He said that his 20 more sheep were ill. He said that he approached to live stock department at Dadu and Johi but no one had reached area to vaccine the sheep. He said that his ill sheep are facing high temperature, cough and diarrhoea.
Speaking with this reporter, Ghulam Qadir resident of TR Khan union council said that the million rupees budget was embezzled by local officials of livestock department of Johi and Dadu since last six months. He said that vaccine program to the ill animals was not started in this affected areas. He said that around 20 animals like goats, sheep, camel and donkeys has died in last three days.
Sakhi Haji Suleman resident of Sawaro said that 20 cattle heads goats, sheep and cows had died in last two days but officials of livestock department had not paid visit area to vaccine other 500 ill animals in area. He said that it was only their source of income to look into cattle heads. He said that due to dying their cattle heads, local people were facing huge loss of finance.
Gul Mohammad Panhwar said that it was high corruption in livestock department Dadu and Johi as veterinary doctors were running their private clinics and all government vaccines were sold at private clinics. He said that cattle heads owners were appealing to senior livestock officers at Karachi and Hyderabad but they were not paying attention to take action/steps to eradicate ongoing mysterious disease among cattle heads. He said that since last six months animals were dying in mysterious disease in different parts of Dadu but still live stock department Dadu and Johi could not find out it’s solution to control the mysterious disease.
Khadim Hussain affected cattle head, resident Union Council Chhinni said that veterinary doctors were demanding 5000 rupees to treat single ill animal. He said that people were poor and they had no money to pay bribe to veterinary doctors hence teams of veterinary doctors were not visiting affected areas to treat ill animals.
Speaking with this scribe, resident of Gorakh hills area, Mohammad Hanif Lund said that 100 deaths of animals of goats, sheep had reported at Gorakh Hill area in outbreak of mysterious disease.
He said that cattle heads owners are facing loss of millions rupees on daily basis but officials of livestock department were sleeping and were not active to stop killing of animals. Speaking with this reporter Khan Mohammad Sahar of Mehar area said that 5000 goats, 2000 sheep, 1000 animals and 2000 cows are ill in mysterious disease in Radhan, Nau Goth, Radhan, Masood Sahar Fareedabad and Mado of Taluka KN Shah and Mehar but officials of livestock are not visiting to treat them without paying them bribe 5000 rupees each cattle head.
Deputy director livestock department at Dadu Habibulla Shaikh said that after facing diarrhoea and temperature, goats were dying. He said that in may vaccine program would be started to control diseases. He said that routine vaccine in some areas was continued but due to locked down situation, offices were closed hence he was unaware of figures that how many animals were vaccinated by staff in routine.