Intellectual Property Organization (IPO) held a consultative session for joining Lisbon Agreement (Geneva Act) for international registration of Geographical Indications(GIs) today on 14th March 2022 in PC Hotel, Lahore.
Chief WTO, Industry, Commerce, Investment and Skills Development Department Punjab Nazia Jabeen told that after signing the Lisbon agreement Pakistan would be able to register its GIs in more than 100 countries with a single application and indigenous products will get premium prices in the international market. Our national products like Basmati rice, Hunza apricot, Chaunsa mango will be introduced as national brands.
Pakistan has already enacted the Geographical Indications (Registration and Protection) Act, 2020 since 31 March 2020. There are 65 notified GIs of Pakistan. Industry, Commerce, Investment and Skills Development Department Punjab(ICI&SDD) is a registrant of three products: Kamalia Khaddar, Multan Blue Pottery. Multan has woven cotton bed sheets since 28th August 2021.