Roadmap is presented to unravel the canvas where uniform education is desired to be implemented. Purpose of below pointers is to contribute to the thought process; trust much of this and over-and-above already being worked out at state level, but, presentation and debating the lines herein is merited. Points are woven after considerable analysis of knowledge with metacognition invoked frequently aiming towards synthesis. Urgency is due to the fact that a debate has already started and the first steps towards a uniform system of education have taken a different direction.
The gist of the current concern is that an effort has been launched towards developing new specification rather than a simple exercise of homogenizing the mix that is being delivered now. There are articles being written and talks held as to where the funds shall flow from regarding the up-gradation of infrastructure whereas there is no such requirement to meet the aims and objectives of this strategic exercise. Education is not a new phenomenon in Pakistan rather we have been among the trailblazers in the region and beyond. Objective is to target the least privileged and mitigate the gap towards the most privileged while changing the perception and managing the feelings. The following actions could be the suitable anchors for this strategic change envisioned.
ONE, to work towards synchronised education with a degree of insouciance: there is no requirement to label as good or bad any ongoing systems i.e., our Grand State system, Madrassah System, O/A Level, Army and Garrison institutions, private schools and networks, Baccalaureate, Missionary schools, among others. Uniformity has to be attained gradually and all-inclusively. The current stake holders shall all be absorbed in the new overarching umbrella whereby public, private, and others shall equally thrive and nurture the future generations according to national requirement. The great diversity shall remain our strength while there shall be no sense of deprivation either. The total mix of about 3,35,00,000 in state schools and private schools, 495,000 in O/A Level/ Baccalaureate systems including purpose-built campuses as well as sprawling Public Schools such as Sadiq and Aitchison, 23,50,000 in Madrassahs, and close to 9,50,000 in other institutions sums up as the education rainbow of Pakistan- the term used is the true depiction as there are pros and cons; excess and deficiency; promise and anguish, of the various systems and we should draw upon the positive and relevant attributes of them all while allowing with nonchalance, the peripheral embellishment such as state-of-the-art campuses, temperature controlled swimming pools, expensive co-curricular, and the padded dandyism to continue.
TWO, State shall lead Education while guiding the stakeholders and, therefore, should take charge upfront across the board and all over of the country. This should be second only to the proclamation we hear as the President is sworn in. In order to achieve the above, however, all and sundry shall be part of the whole gamut of operations that shall flourish in the country. We are grateful to the International and country donor agencies and other non-governmental organisations but there should be no pockets of work rather a central control of the operation. One cannot emphasise more on the importance of the ownership that a state takes regarding educating its youth no matter how scarce the resources are. In our case, however, the infrastructure is largely available, though much underestimated; what if some buildings need to be painted in brighter colours and in other cases basic facilities be incorporated but that is an on-going process and does not form part of the current exercise i.e., to minimise the gap and the prevailing sense of being left behind among different segments our school system.
THREE, Early Years have to be upgraded and homogenized across the country as immediate harvest: Children have to be enrolled and retained. At impressionable age children can absorb and learn the best therefore let us not handicap anyone by discriminating at early stage. One of the top dairy- producing countries shall certainly be able to afford a glass of milk and biscuits/banana to all underprivileged at 10 am. Latest content can be screened/broadcast through technology- used monitor screens and USBs- wherever required. Teachers training will be an auto-correct and on-going activity once the plan is launched. Buildings and resources is not an impediment; that may improve step-by-step. It is the confidence thus instilled among young learners that they are being exposed to the same material that a high-end learner is experiencing is good enough to lift the spirits and circumnavigate the ambience.
FOUR, admiration for the Textbook boards that have already produced quality material and may further modify/improve/realign the specifications while drawing upon the growing reprinting permissions and where required to pay the copyrights for the core material of the high-end institutions. The algebraic function, naturally occurring elements, seasons of the earth, and lofty expressions of the language remain the same. Glossy paper and coloured printing being one of the many features at high end schools is not a variable by any means as the content far outweighs and really matters rather than the medium: A Five-Star Hotel or a road side shop have to get the quality of food to the level be it served in porcelain crockery or steel plates in order to attach value to their product on a continual basis. Apart from the copyright material there is ample stuff to be published in this age of digital disruption and the new normal as it is described. We shall however ensure the core curriculum and books to be identical- whether at an elite aristocratic campus, upmarket private schools with an aura of technological advancement, or a school in Dalbandin, Dargai, Daira DinPanah, Dadu, Diamer, or Dhirkot.
Urdu is certainly a wonderful vehicle of country-wide broad spectrum communication and should be used in state business and private enterprise without let or hindrance. At the same time let us realize how lucky we are to be on the right side of history when English is increasingly becoming the language of AI and communication around the increasingly intertwined world. Pakistan is among nations where English is picked up, learned, and spoken with utmost ease when a chance is provided even to the least privileged. It is most likely that the intricately fostered skills of Madrassah students with their higher retention levels shall pick up English language at a faster pace than their contemporaries. Let us capitalize on this advantage. Regional languages are the pride of our country and all provinces may decide accordingly if and when to be taught in schools.
Nothing is preventing us from jumpstarting to leapfrog into the future with this much awaited strategic change than our being prone to inertia and averse to change. Don’t stop; Just do it.