The foundation of a student’s future depends on education which is not only vital for a better lifestyle but also is the corner stone of the economic and social development of a society. The baseline behind the person’s career is the educational goals he sets and the motivation he receives from not only his parents but also his teachers. Motivation is the basic drive that influences someone’s efforts towards his goals. The back end of a person’s efforts towards his vision depends on the motivation, counseling and the direction he gets from his teachers. Behind every successful human is a very diligent and zealous teacher. A teacher provides his student with a golden chance to change the world by giving the basic tools needed and to attain independent economic desires.
In Pakistan, the curriculum does not expect our teacher’s to motivate the students and their only sole purpose is to deliver the designed lectures. Despite this traditional behaviour, teachers put in a lot of effort in shaping up a student by being more supportive and less controlling. That is the reason teacher’s actively take part in helping the students set their goals and they show high levels of self-determination and motivation to achieve them. The events that occur in a classroom between a psychological impact of teacher’s motivation and the willingness of a student to learn have impacts hugely on the learning ability of a person. A teacher’s ability to inspire students has a great impact on their performance. A student then starts to develop interest in the particular subject and works persistently to get good grades. This process often builds strong teacher-student relationships and the student finds it easier to approach their teachers in case of any difficulties.
At times, the teacher’s motivation is not a factor of success for students. The students in their educational life come across teachers with such teaching methods that scarcely engage the students in class discussions. We interviewed a few teachers and questioned them about their opinion on the concept of motivation given to the students and we understood that, sometimes the instructor’s feel that there is no point of motivating the students since this behaviour is not rewarded. They also stated, that they are already loaded with so much of office work and on the other hand they are also expected to motivate the students which on a point get really hectic. Moreover, the teachers also indicated that there have been certain changes in teaching environment and they came across cases where they motivated the students to work hard according to the circumstances but students themselves were not enthusiastic. According to Aser’s National Education Policy report 2018, “Existing teacher development programs lack standardization and do not provide adequate incentives for the improvements of the qualifications of candidates”. This statement validates our instructor mindset mentioned above.
To add on, we even conducted a survey to study how the social cognitive theories of motivation like achievement goal theory had an impact on teacher’s motivation on students’ performance. From the survey we concluded that factor motivation has different effects on students, for 68.4% it had played a major role, for 14.4% teacher’s motivation did not seem essential and 17.2% were neutral about it. Moving forward, opportunity to learn outstrips everything and according to our survey that we conducted 17% of the people think teachers do not help them provide opportunities for success. 70.7% of the people think the praising of an instructor is robust equipment that can act as source of motivation for students due to which opportunities for success provided by our instructors are the doors to their future. Furthermore, 49% of the people think that they refrain themselves from questioning their instructor about any difficulties they face in learning. To sum up the survey, it was evident that teacher’s motivation was an influential factor which is related to a lot of factors in education such as student’s motivation, teaching behaviour, opportunity for learning and student’s accomplishment.
In past six months, not only Pakistan but the whole world is facing a pandemic which has not only aroused economic crisis but also had its significant impact on education system too. “The school-closings shock will lead to learning loss, increased dropouts and higher inequality and the economic shock will exacerbate the damage by depressing the education demand and supply as it harms households. Together they will inflict long-run costs on human capital and welfare”.
According to Pearson “more than 300 million students have their education being affected by the spread of corona virus”. The pandemic has thrown its light on how prosperous some students are compared to those who been abandoned. Despite the students who are equipped with technology of all sorts, they still lack motivation to study and the role of teachers have been evident on how they can cope up and support their students by using the best options available. To further increase the effectiveness of a teacher amid Covid-19, teachers should be provided with better equipment in terms of technology, they should also be very familiar with the use of technology. Recently the ministry of education also trained teachers to cope up with technological issues too. Education system should also insure that the teacher’s jobs must be secured and justified salary packages should be given to enhance the teachers’ motivation so that they could boost up the energy levels of students as well.