Punjab Police Inspector General Shoaib Dastgir said that the police have rendered services for citizens’ protection with high spirit and diligence during corona crisis and also presented a real and positive image of police before all.
He further said that Police Force performed their duties in Corona lockdown, Quarantine Centers and Ehsas Kafalat centers with full commitment and during execution of their duties, around 500 officers and officials with two martyrs have been affected by Corona virus among them 100 officers and officials have come back to their routine duties after recovering from it which reflects steadfastness and unprecedented zeal of Police force. He further said that I am personally unveiling unparalleled services and sacrifices of police force before Prime Minister Pakistan and Chief Minister Punjab and also requested to both Federal and provincial governments to take steps in this regard.
He moreover said that police force should perform their duties on Chand Raat and Eidul Fitr with the same spirit and zeal and all available resources should be used for protection of wealth and lives of people. He said that at Ehsas Kafalat Centers, the services of Police Officers and Officials filled with spirit and zeal during payment of helping amount to old persons, handicapped, and deserving citizens are appreciable whereas, despite severe dangers of Corona virus, Police Officers and Officials are on the front line and offering their services for protection of lives and wealth of people without caring about their own lives upon which I being a leader of force pay thanks to all police force. These views were expressed in his special message to Police Officers and Officials with respect to Eidul Fitr. IG Punjab Shoaib Dastgir also paid Eid greetings to police force in advance in his message.