The Pakistan Ulema Council and Darul Afta Pakistan, while considering hoarding and illegal profiteering anti-Shariah, have appealed to merchant community to make available basic necessities and commodities of life on subsidised prices in view of prevailing challenging COVID-19 outbreak in the country.
Hafiz Muhammad Tahir Mehmood Ashrafi, Chairman Pakistan Ulema Council and leading religious scholars of Darul Afta Pakistan in a joint decree stated that hoarding is dislike by Prophet of Allah and amidst prevailing scenario, merchants should sell basic commodities and necessities on subsidised prices to make availability of food for all segments of society.
Prophet of Allah has said that whoever will hoard basic necessities of life for profiteering, Allah will enforce plague and poverty on them.
Amidst prevailing scenario, when the entire country has been lockdown in view of COVID-19 outbreak, some elements are making hoarding to maximize profiteering. Resultantly, public are facing extreme problems to feed their children amidst ongoing lockdown, this thing will ultimately incite wrath of Allah Almighty. Ulema in joint decree underlined that whoever making hoarding is making act against the teachings of Quran-o-Sunnah and Shariah.
Ulema and clerics also stated that because of prevailing lockdown in the country, millions of people have become jobless and worried how to feed their families; therefore everyone in the society instead of making profiteering should take care of one another by making available basic necessities of life.
Prophet of Allah Mohammad (S.A.W) said, whoever commits hoarding in times of need is not among us and termed such individuals as cursed.
The clerics in the joint decree urged on merchant community of the country not to invite wrath of Allah and provide food items for people on subsidised prices.
The clerics also stated that amidst prevailing challenging scenario, it is responsibility of the government as well as individuals to take care of fellow humans.
Government should make crackdown against elements taking advantage of prevailing lockdown and responsible for making artificial inflation and hoarding in the country.
Among leading religious scholars of Darul Afta Pakistan include Maulana Asad Zikriya, Maulana Qasim Qasmi, Maulana Mufti Umar Farooq, Maulana Mufti Hafuzur Rehman, Maulana Nauman Hashir, Maulana Shafi Qasmi, Allama Tahirul Hasssan , Maulana Asadullah Farooq and Maulana Zubair Zahid.