The drafting and legislation wing of the Ministry of Law and Justice dealt with 17 ordinances and 36 acts during the year 2020, according to the spokesperson of the Ministry of Law and Justice. In addition to the Acts and Ordinances, 157 Private member Bills were also received by the Ministry for advice and examination from Senate and National Assembly which were disposed off during the year.
The Administration Wing of the Ministry has worked on the revamping of the Library of the Ministry of Law and Justice along with the computerization of around 40,000 books. In order to move towards digitalization and give a common man access to Pakistan Code, an application for smart phones has also been developed during the year 2020 which is ready to be launched. The Administration Wing also paved the way for the upgradation of the capacity of research of the Ministry by obtaining online subscription of legal/law sites of Pakistan and foreign renowned websites of the world. The PCT Wing updated some 111 laws and amendments on the website by the end of the year.
The Development Wing of the Ministry has started the construction work on the new Building of Supreme Court, Branch Registry which will be completed in 36 months. A major breakthrough in the year 2020 was the establishment of a video link facility between Supreme Court of Pakistan Islamabad and Provincial Branch Registries.
The Contract Wing of the Ministry efficiently disposed off 385 International and Domestic Agreements, Treaties, MoUs, Contracts, Protocols etc. while 43 cases of legal opinion were received from different government departments which were timely disposed off during the year. In addition to that, the Opinion Wing disposed of 834 cases out of 961 received for opinion and interpretation of Law. During the course of the year 2020, total of 33559 receipts were disposed off out of 33996 by all the Wings combined, with a disposal rate of 98.71%.
Approximately 195 million Rupees were disbursed between different Bar Councils/Associations. A total of 21 meetings of Cabinet Committee for the disposal of Legislative Cases (CCLC) were held under the chairmanship of Law Minister Dr. Muhammad Farogh Naseem throughout the Year, and a total of 101 decisions were taken in those meetings. Disposal of Business was conducted efficiently by the Cabinet Committee on ECL which dealt with total of 463 cases.