Health is an important element which needs special care and attention from each and every department of any country. Since the time of our Prime Minister Imran Khan has come in the fields of special care and interest towards people with Secretary Captain (R) Muhammad Usman Younis Primary Health and Secondary department and Health Minister Yasmin Rashid many initiatives have been taken.
During the first wave of Coronavirus and now in second wave of coronavirus special attention is being given to this disease which is spreading even more day by day and also with casual attitude of people is making the situation worse. But with every day strict SOP’s and rules for all things might come back to normal. Also the health sector has inaugurated “Sehat Sahulat Clinic” in fountain house for transgender which is an amazing initiative as since decades transgender is one community which is being neglected in all the fields and health is one of the major fields of all. The health departments have not just stopped here but also showed keen interest towards food and food authorities such as Punjab Food Authority has shown extra efforts in pulling off the target of providing healthy food to all. But we know we have so many loopholes to fill and with the bases being strong such as our PM’s vision and health/food departments working day and night, bringing new initiatives we know that some good can come out for people.
As I say this with being proud about the Health department of Punjab “Sehat Sahulat Program” has been initiated which is a milestone towards social welfare reforms; ensuring that the identified under-privileged citizens across the country get access to their entitled medical health care in a swift and dignified manner without any financial obligations. Auto mission and digitalization of health Infra-mission service and delivery unit was made few years back, an initiative taken back in 2016 by Primary Health and Secondary department all across the province to make the health system better. Under the supervision of expert software engineers and under the auspices of the Health Information Services and Delivery Unit 6 teams are working to further integrate web portals and Android applications systems.
The Health Information Service and Delivery Unit currently operates more than 50 portals across the province under the auspices of the Department of Primary and Secondary Healthcare, relevant departments and vertex programs. Under health Infra-mission and delivery unit, monitoring, evaluation and surveillance system is working to compile records of patients reported at DHQs and rural health centers in 36 districts of Punjab which is a great initiative by the authorities as now not only the government and others will know but also the layman will have a good idea about their health as all the records will be in front of them too.
The “Sehat Insaf Medicine Card” is a great step taken for the wellbeing of people. Measures are taken to control the disease or epidemic in view of the records compiled and the rate of patients. Similarly, in fulfillment of the mission of digitization on the special instructions of the Chief Minister of Punjab, under the Electronic Medical Record System, the Department of Primary and Secondary Health Care has provided free medicines to the people across the province in the name of “Sehat Insaf Medicine Card” is being inaugurated in the end of November. TB, Hepatitis and AIDS medicines will be available in 36 districts of Punjab through Card K at DHQs, THQs and RH Centers after biometric verification under centralized dash board. The bar code on the “Sehat Insaf Medicine Card” will be scanned each time a drug is obtained, making it easier to keep a record of individuals or families taking free medication. Also with the qualities and benefits including of total duration of “Insaf Medicine Card” for: aids patients it will be lifelong, hepatitis patients will have the card limit of 6 to 12 months, TB patients total duration of card will be also 6 to 12 months. Also any five members of patients can have the registration of card if the disease of patient has been increased. This is yet another a great initiative and will be beneficial for people on a vast scale, people should take advantage from the “Sehat Insaf Medicine Card”, layman should understand the importance of the card also appreciate that how well the government is working for the sake of public with not only bringing new initiatives but also implementing them with high rates and for all people with no biasness at all. Health is no joke and every person should take keen interest on their health by following all the SOP’s as directed by the government and rightfully take full advantage of the card being introduced for the betterment of people.