ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) has declared a dozen mineral and bottled water brands unsafe for human consumption.
Following are the mineral water brands which have been declared unsafe by the PCRWR.
- Ziran
- MM Pure
- Blue Spring
- Aqua Best
- Blue Plus
- Alpha 7 star
- YK Pure
- Leven Star
- Dista Water
- Hibba
- Chenab
According to reports, the samples were tested against 24 water quality parameters, which concluded that Pakistan’s 12 mineral water brands are unsafe. These 12 brands do not meet standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), and the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA).
According to the PCRWR, high levels of arsenic can cause skin diseases, diabetes, kidney diseases, hypertension, heart disease, birth defects, black foot disease and several kinds of cancer.