A two member bench, headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Gulzar Ahmed and comprising Justice Qazi Muhammad Amin Ahmed, heard Criminal Petition No 419 of 2020, Saddam Hussain vs The State, through A.G. Islamabad and another (Against the order dated 13.04.2020 passed by the Islamabad High Court Islamabad in Cr. M. No.225/B of 2020).
The case was heard on Wednesday i.e.13.5.2020 and the bench passed the following order:-
“Gulzar Ahmed, CJ.- The Inspector General of Police, Islamabad has appeared before the Court. He has stated that there are other complaints against the Investigating Officer, Tasadduq Hussain and the same are being dealt with by his office. He has assured the Court that he will examine the case in hand also, and in case I.O., Tasadduq Hussain is found to have committed negligence or has misconducted himself, he will be proceeded against departmentally and the matter will be taken to the logical conclusion. It was emphasized by the Court to the IG Police that investigation of a crime is a specialized subject in which the investigation officers are required to be fully trained and equipped, and in this regard the Police Training Centre should take services of qualified professionals for imparting professional training to the investigation officers. A handbook of the crime investigation, based upon previous experiences, illustrations, practical applications and case-law developed by the superior Courts of Pakistan should be prepared immediately with knowledge of using of investigation kits and preparing a computerized data of the crime. Such handbook of investigation should be immediately prepared but not later than 6 months from today, and it should be made available to each of the investigation officers, who are responsible for investigating the crime. The handbook on investigation shall be updated every year and new experiences shall be added along with latest case-law given by the superior Courts. New investigation tools shall be added in every new edition, to be issued every year on 1st of July. A copy of such investigation handbook shall be provided by the IG Police, Islamabad to the Registrar of this Court for our examination in chambers.
2. At the same time we are sanguine that the IG Police, Islamabad shall take all measures to improve the quality of working of Islamabad Police, overall in general and in the matter of investigation in particular, and he shall also ensure that proper law and order situation prevails in Islamabad Capital Territory, and the life and properties of the people are safeguarded and protected, and the criminals are taken to task in accordance with law.
No amount of negligence in this regard should be tolerated and if anybody in police department is found neglecting his duties, he should immediately be dealt with and if found guilty, appropriate penalty be imposed upon him. If any police official is found indulging in criminal activities, the criminal case shall also be registered against him, besides, taking departmental action against such police official.
3. We may emphasize that it is the constitutional right of the people that their life and properties are saved and protected by the State and such State functionaries include the police officials.
4. Copy of this order be sent to IG Police of all the four Provinces and Gilgit Baltistan for implementation of above directions.
5. After arguing the matter at some length, Mr. Muhammad Ilyas Siddiqui, learned counsel for the petitioner seeks to withdraw this criminal petition in order to file a fresh bail application after final Challan is submitted by the police in the trial Court. Dismissed as such.”