Barrister Arsalan Islam Shaikh, Mayor Sukkur Municipal Corporation, has appealed to the citizens of Sukkur that as per decision of the Government of Sindh government has been lockdown to please not leave their homes without any reasonable cause and follow the instructions of the Government of Sindh strictly avoiding Social activities and relations, so that, Corona Virus could not be spread and initiatives steps / decisions taken by the Government of Sindh could be successful.
In a statement on Tuesday Mayor said in the light of the decision taken by the Government of Sind to lockdown the Sindh Province the Sukkur Municipal Corporation has launch a Complaint Portal Service and established online complaint center in the Head Office of Sukkur Municipal Corporation to resolve the public issues, problems and difficulties particularly those guests have been accommodated in the Quarantine Center Labour Colony Sukkur and their relatives at the door step of the complainants home without any nuisance.
Accordingly, in case of any difficulties problems and issues is being face by the General Public they may be registered their complaints through Toll Free Numbers 111-757-777, 111-SKR-777, Mobile Application (Sukkur Citizen Portal) and Website For the sake of public facility the Complaint Center has been divided into two sections (01st) for General Public Complaint and (2nd) for the Guests those are residing in the Quarantine Center.