LAHORE: The Punjab Higher Education Department (HED) on Monday removed principal of MAO College from the post following an inquiry that found him guilty of showing negligence in a matter of sexual harassment allegations against a lecturer who committed suicide.
According to a notification issued on Monday, he has been directed to report to the Punjab Higher Education Department (HED).
HED Secretary Sajid Zafar Dall had constituted a four-member committee led by the University of Okara Vice-Chancellor Prof Zakria Zakar to probe the sexual harassment allegation and suicide of the lecturer Muhammad Afzal.
Last week, the Higher Education Department (HED) of Punjab had issued a summary after conducting an inquiry into the case, expressing serious concerns over the attitude of Khan regarding the death of the lecturer.
The deceased kept demanding the clearance certificate from the principal and the chairman of the anti-harassment committee but he was not entertained.
The department on the recommendation of the committee removed the principal from the post on administrative grounds immediately.
Vice Principal Prof Riaz Ahmed Hashmee was given the look-after charge till further orders.