Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday said his New Year resolutions were to provide universal health coverage to all citizens and launch of a nationwide project to check hunger.
“My New Year resolution for 2021 is to complete two projects. One, universal health coverage to all our citizens… Two, we will start our most ambitious nationwide project ‘Koi Bhuka Na Soyay’ (No one should sleep hungry in Pakistan),” the Prime Minister said in a series of tweets.
The Prime Minister said by the end of year, these two projects will “move us closer to our goal of making Pakistan a welfare state”.
He said universal health coverage was already launched in Khyber Pukhtunkhwa and hoped that it would soon be replicated in Punjab and Gilgit Baltistan.
The Prime Minister said though 2020 was a tough year for Pakistan and for the people across the world because of COVID-19, but the government managed it in best manner.
“By the grace of God, we fared far better than most. We not only managed to protect our people but also saved them from hunger,” he said.
Imran Khan mentioned that Ehsaas programme was effectively providing social security, besides the health card scheme ensuring proper medical access for poor.