CDWP has approved locust Emergency and Food Security Projects (LEAFS). The project is the first federal agricultural project financed by the World Bank in Pakistan. This is a direct response to the consensus that MNFS&R’s policy function and coordination role in policy making, its implementation and emergency role across provinces should be significantly strengthened. MNFS&R is responsible for overall project implementation with the support of provincial governments, DPP, NLCC, FAO and NDMA. The project cost envelope is 200 Million USD i.e., 32,800 Million PKR.
Locust Emergency and Food Security Project (LEAFS) will span out its activities all over the Pakistan focusing migratory, breeding and infestation routes of desert locust. This project also encompasses capacity building of Department of Plant Protection (DPP). The project includes compensation to farmers on account of losses due to locust. It also includes Livestock support program to mitigate negative impacts of desert locust on the livelihood protection and rehabilitation. Strengthening and establishment of food security and Nutrition Information System (FSNIS) is a major component of the project.
The specific project objectives will be embarked on control of the locust outbreak, to mitigate negative social and economic impact associated with locust attack and to strengthen the National Food Security system.MNFS&R has overall coordination role of the project implementation through establishing a Federal Project Steering Committee (FPSC), responsible for approval of annual work plans, monitor/review of financial reporting, third party validation in the project and re-allocation of funds. A project management Unit (PMU) under direct supervision of Secretary NFSR with an independent National Project Director with support of needed staff is proposed. FAO being technical agency and having the role of global management of locust will provide technical support and assistance to all partners including Provincial Governments and DPP, strengthening of FSNIS and early warning systems, international and regional coordination, regional locust surveillance and procurement support. The World Bank team will be responsible for effective implementation and monitoring support to the project.
Department of Plant Protection (DPP) is responsible entity mandated to manage the locust outbreak in the country. In that role DPP will make national locust surveillance and pest management plan, threat assessment, monitoring of locust population, breeding and swarms, strategic coordination and control operations based on locust cycle (desert, cropping areas, cities).Provincial governments will lead project implementation in the affected areas.
Provincial agriculture departments will set up Provincial Project Implementation Units (PPIUs) under direct supervision of the Secretary of Agriculture. The NDMA and the PDMAs will support logistics, contingency planning, crisis preparedness and response, at federal and provincial level. NDMA’s involvement to the Project will be triggered only when the locust crisis grows beyond DPP’s control. The financial benefits of the project are primarily a reduction in Damages and Losses (DALO) due to the locust outbreak.