The whole world has been suspended completely or partially due to the outbreak of coronavirus, and it is the duty of all humanity to provide every kind of convenience and security for the life of this human being.
But it should be kept in mind that no one should take benefit from this situation. And when it comes to the bilateral relations of nations, no one will be able to do strategic harm to anyone.
Unfortunately, the actions of some countries have gained strategic interests once the coronavirus was exposed. These measures appear to be hurting China’s economic power and try to describe China as an irresponsible state in the eyes of the world community.
Before understanding all this, it is important to understand what the Coronavirus is really about and what it is. The name of the Coronavirus may not have been heard by the public before but people who do research on viruses or are affiliated with the medical profession are already well-acquainted by the name of the Coronavirus family. The Coronavirus Family was first identified in the 1931. Since then, there has been ongoing research on this. Researchers have differentiated coronavirus in three groups. It is generally prescribed that the virus keep reinforcing itself and exposing itself to new forms and this is what the current type of coronavirus does but the despoilments of coronavirus are of the same nature as other flu viruses that are exposed each year.
But just because of the outbreak happened first in China, it has been portrayed as more harmful to humans than it is when other flu viruses are killing more people annually. And it’s not just verbal anecdote certified data that confirms this. Take influenza as an example, it affects three to five million people a year and goes into an extremely serious condition. About 500,000 people lose their lives for it.
After China first warned the world that one of its provinces was attacked by the coronavirus, and China’s opponents tried to prove that the virus was originated in China. But if scientific evidence is to be asked to prove the virus is originated in China, no one has the answer, nor is anyone can claim it on a scientific basis. But propaganda is touching its extremes.
There is a strong possibility that the same type of virus is spreading to different regions of the world at the same time, which has not traveled anywhere. Then it is no secret that strange pneumonia cases have been reported in northern Italy since November. A similar claim is being made in the United States of America itself.
The situation in Pakistan is also unusual, with the media claiming that all matters have deteriorated due to people returning from Iran, but interestingly, there are many cases in Pakistan that didn’t have any contact with anyone who had returned from Iran.
During this outbreak, psychological warfare is at its peak to somehow harm competitors. However, it is important that the world compiles its collective data and that it should be based on accurate information so as to produce a quick proof to avoid its potential side effects. United States of America and China should join hands to defeat the disease. In the past, the United States of America and China have invented many things to defeat such types of crises, and accusations should be avoided for the sake of humanity.