Chairman of Parliamentary Committee on Kashmir Shehryar Khan Afridi has taken strong exception to fake news reports originating from India regarding an alleged ‘civil war’ in Pakistan.
“A figment of India’s state machinery’s imagination, reportage pertaining to imagined unrest in Karachi amounts to 5th generation propaganda warfare which is an evident ploy at perpetuating misinformation with regard to Pakistan, both at home and abroad,” he said in a statement. “Pakistan strongly denounces this organised propaganda which has backing from Indian deep state. The international community is urged to take note and condemn the spread of fake news by India targeting Pakistani state institutions,” he said.
Shehryar Afridi said that Indian media and social media accounts were involved in malicious propaganda against Pakistani state institutions maligning them of internal squabbling. He said that irony was that there was no action by the management of social media applications against Indian state actors and non-state actors who were spewing venom against Pakistan packed with white lies. He warned that if this nefarious propaganda is not stopped immediately, Pakistan reserves the right to seek legal action against those individuals or groups involved in malicious campaign against the state institutions of Pakistan.