Fellow Pakistanis, if you have been negligent and irresponsible in terms of your attitude, behavior, approach, faith or way of dealing with COVID 19, then you have committed a social crime and you must be ashamed of yourself for being the criminal who is not behind bars.
Hue and cry of illiteracy in the country is going on for as long as we can remember but the history which the so called literate and highly educated people of the country has written in this pandemic is draconian.
Denial of the severity and sensitivity of the disease which implore and plead for the sensibility, sagacity and a seriously responsible approach from the individuals, remained the major conspicuously unfortunate factor in Pakistan. Highly qualified minds who are supposed to be the most enlightened and matured segments of the society, to become dependable and holding pillar for the rest of the population at the time of any crisis as they are believed to be more cognizant of the matter, have not only failed but indeed have let down the nation. For the misery of our people, youngsters especially displayed and adopted a reckless attitude by initially not taking it seriously, making fun of people who would try to advice or follow precautionary measures, continuing with their usual routine of going out and visiting relatives and friends, creating troubles in the family against home confinements and keeping social distancing, being adamant on not wearing masks and gloves, by keeping their businesses open and compelling staff to attend even in the lockdown, circulating and forwarding derogatory videos and messages undermining the gravity of the crisis etc. These imbecile people have 3 categories of denial:
1. First are those ignorant TARZANS who believe that Corona does not exist and have zillions of highly intellectual reasoning and logics behind – from declaring it an American conspiracy to considering it just an overhyped fear being created by government to conceal its failure in growth. We cannot blame or hold accountable the illiterate and the marginalized falling in this bracket. As to sensitize and aware them is the responsibility of the educated class. Culprit is the intellectually superior group who could not save themselves from prevalent JAHALAT.
2. Second are the brave hearts who acknowledge and accept the reality of this global catastrophe but have the surety of possessing such super natural either the nervous system or the immune system or both which make them sufficiently confident to remain extremely callous, carefree and nonchalant. They are chilling without safety measures giving chills to the conscious ones as well as elevating the risk factor of transmission.
3. Third are the “Gifted Clairvoyants” saying, “CORONA KHATUM HO GAYA HAI”. One can only mourn over this.
No final triumph of the crucial ten months long wrestling against the virus as well as the tenaciously rooted ignorance is in the offing yet. The conservative mindedness has contributed a great deal in accelerating and stimulating the spread of the disease and its disasters. Our moral, ethical, social and religious duty is not only the compliance of the due precautions but also to become the source of guidance for the less informed. But, alas, they themselves became the part of the problem instead of offering solutions and spreading the light.
There are such cunningly heartless people who simply do not care about others. These are mostly those who get infected with mild symptoms but do not confine themselves from the rest of the society. They remain silent but not secluded. Majority of these neither get tested nor get isolated and they keep on doing what they are born to do; be a burden on the mother earth by turning their backs on others. They infect and kill, only Almighty knows how many. It is a living reality now, that there are otherwise credible people who have been feeling slightly sick, having symptoms but they did not stop. In their superficial, selfish and worthless passion of career and profession, lust for material gains, misplaced enthusiasm for fun, futile fear of embarrassment of getting the virus or being contagious, lack of empathy and consciousness of responsibility towards others, or simply because of their foolishness, they did not stop – they kept going. They allied with the virus in the massacre by the documents they handle, or the knobs they touch and the air they exhale. Some of them are so cruel and faithless that in the confidence of gaining immunity, they start socializing without completing their due time of quarantine as they are not exposed to the risk any more now and others don’t matter to them. They present hands to shake, attend gatherings, adopt no SOP, misguide others and do not tell the truth.
Dwellers of this Pak Land cannot thank the Allah enough that The Almighty has rescued us from this virus at a relatively marginal cost – look at the rest of the world which is sobbing amidst the carnage, but we need to save ourselves from these criminal minds of the society. Life has been resumed with opening of businesses, markets, restaurants and schools but it has also set these insane minds at large. Criminals, put asunder if unwell and do not mock the sensibility and dare not lead the vulnerable astray. Indeed, there is blood on your hands – just stop the stupidity now.