ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan lashed out at former President Pervez Musharraf on Tuesday for inflicting immense damage to the Kashmir issue by proclaiming United Nation’s (UN) Kashmir Resolutions outdated.
During an interview with Kashmir Narrator, Khan said that the UN resolutions were significant for reaffirming and legitimizing Kashimiris’ struggle to exercise their right to self- determination. He added that the resolutions were significant and played a pivotal role in Kashmir’s conflict resolution.
Khan criticised former Prime Minister (PM) Nawaz Sharif for undermining the Kashmiri struggle in the Indian Occupied Kashmir by recognising and officially becoming a part of India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s oath-taking ceremony in 2014. He added that Nawaz, the-then PM of Pakistan, visited India but didn’t meet the Hurriyat Conference’s leadership in New Dehli to assure Pakistan’s solidarity to their cause.
He also berated the former PM, alleging that Nawaz had kept his business interests his priority rather than pushing the country’s interests.
Khan claimed that if PTI came to power after the general elections of 2018, he would deliver ‘ground-breaking’ proposals for the resolution of the Kashimir conflict.
PTI chief stated that PTI was already working on the proposals and their Kashmiri policy would not be restricted to declaratory platitudes.
Kashmir has been a lingering dispute between India and Pakistan since 1947; both the countries have fought each other in wars for Kashmir. The area is still a disputed territory, with an ongoing fight by the Kashmiri people for their freedom.