ISLAMABAD: “Beauty spills over to untapped avenues of heart throbbing passions intertwined with wit and plays havoc in the domain of juvenile giggling and glamourised cobweb of blaring passions, ever ready to entice the magic looking beauty in the ever shut cages of pent up emotions.
This is what a thought provoking ceremony of book launching, focusing on twists and turns of feminine mind set in perspective of their birth right of looking fascinating and captivating in the men, dominated the jungle of decencies and indecencies. Folding and unfolding the crispy pages of her book “Dua-Beauty and Self Grooming Guide” at a book launching ceremony held at a local hotel, the renowned poetess Rukhsana Sehr sounded emphatically: “Adorning and embellishing herself is the legitimate right of every woman, that is my right, that stands infringed upon in the labyrinths of modesty and immodesty.
“Beauty knows no bounds and embellishing one in a beauty parlour seems to be presenting oneself before assaulting looks, therefore, the woman from the background of middle class society demonstrate aversions to stand erectly before a mirror studded in a beauty parlour reflecting looks slanting to overpower the humbleness of their object, Rukhsana. said without mincing words. So my book is for the preservation of the modesty for the women who want to talk to themselves before a mirror standing in their own rooms.” She looked at the audience evoking their appreciation. The book is a whirlpool of beauty tips and no one can escape from its mazes which open to nowhere to provide an outlet to the girls and ladies from age groups smacking of prime age of swindling desires.