Whether it is a government institution, business, or an individual who owns and uses a computer, having good network security is a must for all of them. Good network security is basically a preventive measure to keep the network safe and prevent viruses or unauthorized users from gaining entry into the network. Keeping the network secure is a process that requires taking certain measures, both on the hardware level and software levels.
Network security is important for every computer user out there but it is more vital for big businesses, organizations, and governments since most hackers are after their data which is valuable and can cause a lot of problems for the said institutes. Today, we will be having a look at some of the reasons why network security is important for every computer user out there:
Protects Your Data
For businesses, organizations, and even individuals, their data is very important that must be protected. For a business or company, their data contains marketing materials, business plans, future strategies, financial data, and other important information that makes a business what it is.
For individuals, their data can include personal information or financial information that if fallen into wrong hands can cause problems for them. Having a secure network ensures that your data is protected at all costs, whether you are a business or an individual, no matter what.
Protects Clients’ Data
A company, organization, or a government institute stores important client data that doesn’t belong to them. It can include all kinds of data, from accounting and financial records to medical records, which is very sensitive and every individual out there wants his data to remain safe and secure.
Keeping the user and client data is the responsibility of the organization that is holding it and if the company network and also the gateway of the wireless network i.e is not secure then that data is vulnerable to falling into wrong hands. With tightened network security, hackers won’t be able to intrude into the network and access the data.
Keeps Protected Against Ransomware Attacks
Ransomware attacks are very common nowadays, especially for big companies and organizations. Businesses and big companies are on the radar of hackers and ransomware is the worst kind of attack. If your network gets infected by ransomware then all of the data is automatically encrypted and you cannot access your data unless you pay a ransom to hackers, usually in the form of cryptocurrency.
Ransomware can affect anyone, from an individual to entire countries. Recently, there was a huge ransomware attack that affected the Colonial Pipeline in the US, and millions were paid in order to get the access back. If your network is secure and all the security protocols are in place and the default gateway i.e of the wireless network is also secure then ransomware can be avoided and your network will remain protected against all sorts of malwares, including ransomware.
Network Security Requirements
There are certain network security requirements that every business needs to meet. For instance, we have the example of the European Union. The companies that operate in the EU and deal with the data of EU citizens must comply with the GDPR policy. Similarly, there are other requirements that businesses need to meet if they are going to deal with user data and most of these requirements involve good network security.
Prevents Money Loss
Having a secure network prevents money loss. As mentioned earlier, the Pipeline attack caused millions of dollars and it could have been prevented if proper security protocols were in place. Similarly, we also saw a huge security breach that affected Yahoo and its 3 billion customers, which ended up costing the company around $350 million.
If proper security protocols are not in place and the network is not secure enough then it can drain your bank account in no time. Good network security may cause a lot upfront but in the longer run, it is worth every penny.
Improves The Performance Of The Network
Having a secure network not only keeps the network and everyone on it safe but also helps the network and system run better. Good network security improves the performance of the network since the system isn’t slowed down by redundant apps or malware that may cause the system to slow down. Systems that have secure networks are proven to run efficiently and perform better than those that don’t have a secure network.