HARIPUR: The water level of Tarbaila Dam remained at 1392 feet which is 11 feet above dead level, on the 36th consecutive day,10 power generation units of the Tarbaela dam have been shut down due to the low water level in the lake and power production capacity has also reached its lowest.
According to the Tarbaila Dam officials, the water level of the Tarbeila dam remained 11 feet above the dead level which is 1392 feet on the 36th consecutive day where only seven power generation units were producing 443 megawatts of electricity and they are also not working with full capacity either.
The Tarbela dam officials disclosed that we are discharging the same quantity of water equal to inflow in the dam to fulfill the requirement of the farmers in Punjab and Sindh province, owing to decreased water inflow in the dam the capacity of Tarbaila power production is reduced from 3478 megawatts to only 443 megawatts.
Today, the water inflow in the dam was 21100 cusecs and outflow 20300 cusecs feet, It was also disclosed that for Khareef crops which starts from 1st April and continues till 30 September Tarbail dam would also release water as owing to the increasing temperatures glaciers melting would also increase water level in the dam. Currently, the Mangla dam, Chashma, and Kabul River are providing water for the crops.
Tarbaila dam also released 800 cusec feet of water for Pehur High-Level Canal (PHLC) to supply water for some areas of KPK for irrigation.