LAHORE: Punjab University and Centre for Global and Strategic Studies on Tuesday discussed various initiatives to enhance relations among the regional countries. In this regard, a meeting was held at PU Vice Chancellor’s office in which PU VC Prof Niaz Ahmad, Pro Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Saleem Mazhar, Department of History Chairman Prof Dr Mahboob Hussain, Dr Fauzia Hadi Ali, CGSS Executive Director Lt Col (r) Khalid Taimur Akram and others participated in the meeting. The meeting agreed to launch joint projects to enhance cooperation among Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia, China, Belarus, Azarbijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Addressing the meeting, Prof Niaz Ahmad said that PU has established a Regional Integration Centre to boost regional cooperation through mutual interaction.
He said that Pakistan enjoyed good relations with the Central Asian and other regional states and there was a need to strengthen and promote these relations further. He said that PU would extend full support for student/teachers exchange or any other initiative of common interest for this cause.
Prof Dr Saleem Mazhar said that Pakistan had a key role in the regional development and its location was strategically much important. He said that PU would play its role for the development of the region and contribute to increase relations among various countries. He appreciated the role of CGSS for making efforts for regional integration and steering various initiatives for mutual cooperation among the regional countries. CGSS Executive Director Lt Col (r) Khalid Taimur gave a detailed presentation regarding different initiatives to be taken for promotion of regional cooperation. The meeting also agreed to organize seminars, conferences, academic and cultural activities and launch joint research projects for this purpose.