Sino-Indian relations have been strained for long time, with tensions mounting at any time, and since India has asserted itself to be South Asia’s largest power, it has since then, it has been thought that it should have a monopoly in every matter.
As far as South Asia is concerned, this claim of India is not true because Pakistan never accepts with reference to India that only India is a power in South Asia and Pakistan also makes India realize this as per the need and its one proof was that Abhinandan was forced to drink tea. But ever since the CPEC plan was signed by China during the Nawaz Sharif government, India’s madness has skyrocketed because India knows full well that if CPEC succeeds, Pakistan will be economically very strong and economic energy is the basis of strong defense and foreign policy, so India talked to China at the beginning of the CPEC about stopping it, but China was not giving as much importance to India’s aspirations. After this situation, India tried to adopt a strategy to bring the CPEC route to the danger zone. This is, in fact, the Indian strategy behind the recent tensions between China and India. India wants to extend its military presence to the CPEC route.
India has been fomenting rebellion in Tibet from the very beginning and is still fomenting it in order to harass China. In contrast, China, despite being more powerful, is pursuing a strategy of restraint. China has also sought to establish relations with India as normal relations between the two countries. But the Indian leadership does not seem ready to change its attitude from Tibet to Ladakh, and when India pursues a policy of military intervention in Tibet and Ladakh, China, like it, draws a red line. It has been decided that if India crosses this line, then a full answer will be given. The movement of Indian troops in the Gulwan Valley forced China to realize that India had reached this red line and could now only cross it at any time.
In such a case, China began to warn India that a policy of restraint would not be pursued after this line because China, like any living nation, is committed to protecting its interests and has the potential to openly protect interests. Therefore, when the Indian army invaded the area, China, making a policy of restraint and warned India, but the Indians did not back down and soon after, they tried to re-enter the Chinese territory. But India was worsening the situation there through a strategy. So the Indians did not give up and as a result at least 20 soldiers, including their colonel, were killed. It should be noted that in order to avoid any clash, the Chinese and Indian forces keep their troops unarmed in the area, so the clash took place with iron rods and stones and continued for hours. In the aftermath of this incident, China has again spoken of restraint so that the matter does not escalate into a major military confrontation. The Chinese media is also reporting the news in such a way as not to provoke the Chinese people. China’s state-run newspaper Global Times has described the incident in a very responsible manner and commented on it, but on the other hand, the Indian media is running in such a way that the wise voice is not being heard and is advising to lose consciousness. But in the aftermath of this incident, it is also thought that the Indian leadership will regain consciousness and try to control the situation without any further provocative action and avoid any further action. Because if any kind of provocative action is tried to be carried out with China, then it is a foregone conclusion that China will retaliate and now this retaliation will not be just with iron rods and stones and when So much damage has been done by the ancient times weapons, so if the latest weapons are used, how much damage can be done to India, the Indians must now understand because if India did any kind of provocation. So it will be happened that many Abhinandans will still be forced to drink cup of tea. It is clear from these circumstances that Pakistan cannot remain indifferent because first of all Pakistan cannot ignore the military intentions in any part of India and especially this issue is near to CPEC also. The interests of our beloved homeland increase further. But it is unfortunate to say that nothing is happening in Pakistan at the moment except the attempts of the government to arrest Shehbaz Sharif or to make fun of his illness even though India at that time not only clashed with Pakistan and China. It is in a state of disarray and has bad relations with other neighbors and there is a need to convene a conference of all India’s neighbors to protect the region from the folly of Indian military ambitions but unfortunately now power corridors of Pakistan just want to bring down a particular family.