Road crashes are an escalating problem throughout the world, which have vast impacts on societies and economies. The inimitable loss of human life is the horrible outcome of traffic accidents. Pakistan is the world’s sixth most populous country with an estimated population of over 190 million. The fatality rate on the country’s road network remains among the highest in the world. Road traffic accidents are always a human tragedy. Public and Traffic Police in general are not well aware of advancements in road safety. Forty years old buses and goods transport vehicles are plying on our roads. Vehicle fitness certification required only for public transportation vehicles and is based on visual inspection only. The third party vehicle insurance is mostly faked and only covers the passengers inside the vehicle, not even the passengers of other vehicle involved in the accident. National Highways Safety Ordinance (NHSO 2000) and Motor Vehicle Ordinance (MVO 1965) need be revised and consolidated in one document.
The service that has being launched is a new and improved version of existing Motor Vehicle Examination Service (MVE), called Vehicle Inspection and Certification System (VICS). This new system not only inspects the vehicles to check their road worthiness but also examines their emissions. The need for a new system has arisen due to realization of increasing environmental pollution and road accidents. GoPb’s primary focus is to remove Public Service Vehicles (PSV) that cause the problems stated above by improving VICS system. To do so, the GoPb established a state of the art vehicle inspection and certification system by following the international standards and specifications. The main purpose is to ensure road safety, cost saving, and control environmental issues. All of which would result in increased public trust, transport safety and an efficient and effective way of monitoring and controlling unfit vehicles.