Once again, millions of locust attacked the standing crops of wheat, cotton and vegetables in different parts of Dadu district.
Locust attacked crops of wheat, cotton and vegetables at Khudabad, Pipri, Jhaloo, Aminiani, Moubdar, Phulji, Piaro Goth, Sita, Radhan, Chhandan, and Athin Shakh areas of Dadu district.
Due to attack of locust on the standing crops, the growers/abadgars are seriously worried. Abdagars complained about the role of officials of agriculture department of Dadu.
Speaking with this reporter, leader of small growers association Dadu, Aftab Ahmed Bhand complained that different parts of Dadu were affected seriously due to attack of locust swarm. He said that wheat, cotton crops and vegetables were affected in attack of locust swarm. He said that agriculture officials were not ready to cooperate with small growers.
President Sindh abadgar Ittehad Nawab Zubir Ahmed Talpur demanded to conduct spray to protect the crops. He said that 50 percent wheat crop was standing in different parts of Dadu and it under harvesting / cutting but it needs urgent base to conduct spray to kill the locust swarm.
President Sindh Abadgar Board Dadu district, Mohammad Omer Jamali said that if spray to kill the locust swarm would not be started, the locust eat all crops standing in different parts of Dadu. He said that officials of agriculture department were not ready to visit field and to advises the abadgars to protect the crops from locust.
While, wheat growers of Duabo, Yar Mohammad Kalhoro held protest demonstrations against agriculture officials Dadu for conducting spray to kill the locust swarm.
Assistant commissioner Dadu, Mohammad Ali Baloch said that following the complaints of local abadgars, directives were issued to agriculture officials to visit field and advises the growers for protection of crops from attack of locust swarm. Mumtaz Ali Bhand resident of village Meenho Khan Bhand said that locust swarm had attacked on greenery like gross and tress. He said that all leaves and fruits of trees were eradicated by locust swarms. Sardar Adam Khan Bhand said that union council Pipri was seriously affected in attack of locust swarm. He said that all vegetables and wheat crop was seriously damaged. He demanded urgent spray in areas to kill locust. Ali Nawaz Kalhoro, Additional director agriculture Department Dadu said that all staff of agriculture department was in touch with abadgars of affected areas. He said that it was informed that some two days back, locust swarm had arrived in areas of Dadu. He said that most of people had cut their crops hence it was chances loss of lowest.
He said that it travelled from Iran and Balochistan. He said that it was in figure of millions. He said that it was eating the crops and vegetables and leaves of tress. He said that locust had entered in Dadu district from West and south areas. He said that most of Khudabad, Pipri of Dadu taluka and union council Thallho of KN Shah. He said that it would travel to Thar of Pak and India. He advised to abadgars that they run-out the locust swarms through using different tactics. He said that if they will not runout them from their crop, it would damage.