Residents of the Rawalpindi city on Sunday staged a protest demonstration against unavailability of gas at Chah Sultan area. More than 50 people from Chah Sultan, Hukamdad, Tehmasababad and other adjoining areas gathered at Chah Sultan Chowk and staged a protest against the 16 to 18-hour gas load-shedding and low pressure. They blocked the roads for more than two hours which caused a traffic jam at Rawal Road and Fazle Haq road. The angry residents were chanting slogans against the government and demanded the immediate restoration of gas in their areas. The protestors were of the view that gas load shedding has affected their routine life. The government and the concerned authorities needed to resolve the issue at the earliest to remove hardships of the residents. Some of the protesters said that the domestic consumers in the majority of localities face low to zero gas pressure round the clock, particularly from 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. and again from 8 p.m. to 12 midnight.
Published in Daily Times, March 4th 2019.