Punjab Police Inspector General Shoaib Dastgir has said that the Punjab Police is well aware of its social responsibilities of helping the poor affected citizens during lock down therefore all force filled with spirit of public service has taken active role in Police Relief Fund for Coronavirus so that the basic necessities of deserved families and daily wagers may be fulfilled in this time of difficulty.
He further said that Punjab Police is on the front line with doctors and other security agencies aiming to protect the citizens from the pandemic disease. He further said that Punjab in the form of forefront squad is performing its duties on quarantine centres whereas instructions of government regarding lock down on roads are being implemented and police officers and officials of the force has donated some amount of money from their salaries for providing ration to affected persons which clearly reflects the spirit that Punjab Police always adopts the policy of public service whenever any calamity or untoward trouble faced by the country and nation.
These views were expressed by him while he was addressing officers in a ceremony held at central police office regarding Police Relief Fund. While discussing about Police Relief Fund, IG Punjab further said that, from senior command to constables from all districts, money has been deposited into the police relief fund according to their value, by which more than 5.5 crore rupees have been deposited which will be utilized in providing ration to more than 20 thousand affected families. Each ration bag will be used by five persons of a family having flour, ghee, pulses, sugar along with other kitchen materials for fifteen days and soon the distribution process of ration bags shall be started in accordance with the devised methods with the help of district administration.
IG Shoaib Dastgir praised the efforts of the force and said that donation by police in this difficult times will not only enhance cooperation but also entice other institutions and citizens to take part in this pious effort. He further said that every section of the society will have to take part in order to help out affected persons during this lock down then we can overcome this difficult time. He moreover said that the citizens should remain confined into their homes to save themselves from pandemic disease whereas police force shall continue its efforts every possible steps for helping the affected citizens like in the past.