LAHORE: Lahore High Court (LHC) on Friday freed 60 kanals of Miani Sahib Graveyard land from the influence of land mafia after 62 years.
Justice Ali Akbar Qureshi gave his verdict over the petitions which were submitted in 2016. The court implemented this order and released major parts of the confiscated land.
During the hearing, counsel for the graveyard committee told the court that LESCO had been occupying over one kanal land of the graveyard since 1986 without any payment.
LHC directed the LESCO to pay a sum of Rs22 million within two days as rent to Miani Sahib Graveyard committee for using the graveyard’s land since 1986.
Furthermore, land mafia also illegally constructed school, petrol pumps at graveyard’s land and allotted area for 456 graves to the influential families on high rates.
The members of the deceased families are highly charged for the allotment of the grave area. The fee for raw grave is being charged Rs25,000 instead of Rs100, while the amount of a refined grave is Rs40,000 instead of Rs500.