Ministry of Narcotics is currently working to cultivate hemp on industrial scale. The plan was devised in collaboration with Ministry of Science and Technology.
The motive behind the plan is to cultivate enough hemp for the production of Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD to export it to other countries.
CBD oil has a large market in Europe and North America, it is extracted from plants with Tetra Hydro Cannabinol content less than 0.3% and is used for treatment of various ailments including epilepsy, arthritis and sleep disorders, a 30 ml bottle is available for 200 dollars in the United States and the market is expanding after increase in its acceptability.
It has been learnt that unlike Canada where it is farmed indoor with artificial light, not only Pakistan’s environment and soil is suitable for growth of Industrial cannabis outdoor but the cost of production would also be much lower than Canada so it’s a billion dollar market that can be tapped to earn much needed foreign exchange
2 government departments will be allowed, permission is required from federal cabinet, there it is expected to be discussed in Tuesday’s meeting.
Notably, the cultivation of industrial hemp is expected to generate huge revenue as it is a billion dollar industry.