Ever since the PTI-led government has come into power, the gains of democratic transitions are seem to be evaporated in Pakistan. After securing razor-thin majority (183/342 NA seats) in the lower House of Parliament with support of its political allies, the PTI government has embarked on path of fulfilling its election promises. Prime Minister Imran Khan’s 19th August speech has heightened the expectations of the people and does so for democracy. He explicitly spelled out his strategy to resolve all outstanding issues confront by Pakistan within span of hundred days. However, despite lapse of 22 months, most of his election promises and subsequent ambitious plans have been unexecuted.
Meanwhile, civil and political liberties are being trampled by PTI government. The key pillars of democracy have remained under attack from repressive state apparatus. The recession of democratic process has been underway in Pakistan since Mr. Khan’s government ascent to power.
Before rising to power, Mr. Khan was an ardent champion of free press. While under his government the curbs on media are substantially heightened. Journalists critical of his government’s lopsided policies are told to fall in line or risk losing their jobs. Many senior journalists have been removed from country’s mainstream media. Moreover, Chinese model of censorship was being indicated to replicate in the country to further strangulate the freedom of media. Commercial advertisement have been cut off from those channels and newspapers which criticize the performance of incumbent government.
Likewise, the PTI government has developed incredible disdain for the Parliament, which is largely considered as the womb of democracy in a country. Unfortunately, the Prime Minister and his band of sycophants have remained absent from parliament even during key sessions like pandemic handling, Kashmir issue and budget discussions.
Legislations normally encapsulate collective wisdom of representatives of the people. However, in incumbent government, laws are introduced through Presidential ordinances while bypassing the parliament. For example, President Arif Alvi promulgated eight ordinances on a single day. Apart from this, PTI leadership has, time and again, used abusive language against parliamentarians in recent past.
Prior to 2018th elections, the central plank of PTI’s election campaigns was to eradicate corruption from the country. Mr. Khan had hinted at frequent occasions that his government would deal all corrupt elements with iron fist. Nevertheless, the process of political victimization under the garb of accountability was started forthwith his victory in the election. Almost all vocal opposition leaders have been incarcerated by National Accountability Bureau (NAB) on pretext of their alleged involvement in the corruption scams. For instance, former President Asif Zardari, opposition leader Shahbaz Sharif, ex-Primer Khaqan Abbassi and Khurshid Shah were being arrested while charges against them are yet to be proved. It becomes clear now that Mr. Khan’s anti-corruption lofty rhetoric is no more popular.
Similarly, the incumbent government appears skeptical towards 18th amendment to the constitution of 1973. This landmark amendment has provided extensive legislative and financial powers to the provinces. It has also redesigned the National Finance Commission (NFC) award which significantly swelled financial share of provinces in fiscal resources. PTI’s government attempted to roll back 18th amendment would not only prove devastative for the democracy but also for the smooth functioning of federation in Pakistan. Such anti-federation efforts even can stimulate blowbacks from the small provinces which can further weaken the fragile foundation of the federation.
In the same manner, the militarization of administration has weakened the democratic trends and practices in the country. Retired and serving military generals have been elevated to key administrative posts. There is also wide perception that PTI government is at the back and call of military establishment. Some even hold that the latter has engineered 2018 election in favor of the former to expand its influence on the key issues of national importance.
Protection of human rights is the hallmark of democratic dispensation in a country. In Pakistan, however, under PTI government, human right abuses have been sharply increased. Repressive tactics are employed to silence the dissent voices. Space is being reduced for the civil society and human rights activists. Fake cases have been registered to intimate and maim them. The report of Human Rights Commission of Pakistan underscores that state efforts to oppress dissent was a major trend of 2019.
PTI government has not only failed to carry forward the legacy of democracy but also undermined the nourishment of essential democratic values in the country. All overt and covert onslaughts on democratic dispensation have further grinded the already tenuous process of democratization in Pakistan. It would be better for Mr. Khan to revive his pre-election speeches and his unflinching resolve for consolidation of democracy in the country.
The writer is Freelance contributor is based in Quetta or Student of Political Science at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad