We can’t see the enemy, but everyone is terrified. The world is now racing against time to slow the spread of Covid-19 by testing and treating patients, limiting travels, quarantining citizens and encouraging social distancing. The pandemic is moving like a wave – one that may yet crash on those least able to cope. And the crisis is definitely set to permanently reshape our world as it continues to unfold.
The situation is no different in Pakistan. Cases are rising exponentially with each passing day, with tally of infected persons crossing 76,000 and death toll surging past 1600 as of now. In this race against time, like other institutions, the Pakistan Red Crescent Society – undoubtedly the leading humanitarian organization in Pakistan affiliated with 192 National Societies worldwide – too decided to contribute to the government’s anti-coronavirus efforts, as no government can come to grips with such challenges of magnanimous proportions single-handed.
Under the leadership of PRCS Chairman Abrar ul Haq, plenty of initiatives were taken to contain the virus and educate the masses about how to avoid contracting the infection. Among some other larger-than-life initiatives taken by the PRCS are the launch of Corona Muhafiz Response Campaign, Agahi Helpline and the establishment of Corona Care Hospital, Rawalpindi.
Under the Corona Muhafiz Response Campaign, the Red Crescent Muhafiz Force was mobilized to connect the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-nots’ in fight against the monster. In their door-to-door campaign in multiple cities across country, Muhafiz volunteers made sure that no family goes a whole day without food by making affluent families to share food with their deserving neighbours. Through public announcements from mosques, psychological resilience was built among those who were going through state of emotional insecurity as a result of prevalent environment due to lockdown. The citizens were made to realize that they are not alone but Pakistan Red Crescent Society is standing by them. The Muhafiz volunteers also fought on the information front, replacing myths and misinformation circulating on social media with authentic scientific information. Data collected through Muhafiz application during the door-to-door campaign can prove to be an asset and help our national institutions vis-à-vis any future planning.
The initiative, which has now entered its second phase, was highly appreciated by the International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federal of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), who also recommended other national societies to replicate this unique initiative in their respective countries. On the national level, the government of Pakistan has also replicated this idea in the shape of Tiger Force. With presence in every nook and corner of the country, the PRCS has a huge base of trained volunteers who are always first to respond in the wake of any emergency or disaster. Being a completely apolitical forum and having huge acceptability among the people, the PRCS is surely a far better platform to serve humanity without distinction of any type. It is time for all of us to rise above the little things in the best interest of the nation and the country and synergize our efforts and resources for a better service delivery during hard times.
Casting the net wider in accordance with the vision of Chairman Abrar ul Haq, the PRCS decided to contribute in a big way by setting up a hospital to treat the coronavirus patients and sending them back home with a clean bill of health. On an emergent basis, the old building of the PRCS branch in Rawalpindi was given a massive facelift and was metamorphosed into a state-of-the-art coronavirus care hospital within record 18 days. Like a close-knit family, almost everyone at the PRCS down to the watchman chipped in – directly or indirectly – to transform a dream into a reality.
Standing majestically at a stone’s throw from the famous Siddiqui Chowk, the stately hospital – a testament to the monumental efforts and dedication of the PRCS team – is now abuzz with a feverish human activity centered round treating the coronavirus patients and taking best care of them. Around 74 patients have been treated and sent back home, while 20 patients are under treatment.
PRCS task force comprising psychiatrists headed by Brig (r) Mowadat Rana is providing psychosocial support to the Covid-19 patients at hospital around the clock. The premise of psychosocial support intervention is to control the side- and after-effects on psychosocial aspects of an infectious disease and attempt to minimize psychological impact with timely assessment and management of prevention and control. This is one of the unique health care features being offered at RCCH that makes the hospital all different from other coronavirus care health facilities in the country
Here I would be doing a huge injustice if I do not mention the contribution of PRCS staff, Youth & Volunteer Department and Sahara for Life Trust Executive Director Maj (r) Israr ul Haq in all initiatives. They went out of the way to support this ambitious project and ensured their availability round the clock. They are a valuable asset that we need to recognize, perhaps a little better than we normally do.
As coronavirus continues to wreak havoc across country with number of cases rising exponentially, our struggle to help the vulnerable and save maximum lives is continued with utmost commitment and unflinching resolve, for which I owe my gratitude to all those who are wholesomely standing with us in this noble cause. Let’s keep staying together, fighting together to save people, save nation and the country.
The writer is the Secretary General of Pakistan Red Crescent Society