Punjab Addl IG Operations Inam Ghani said that Punjab Police are offering duties without caring about their own lives so that spread of corona virus may be reduced, which clearly reflects the diligence and public service spirit of the Punjab Police.
He further added that efforts and role of all departments engaged in fighting against corona virus are plausible and Pakistani nation will soon overcome this Corona virus by adopting precautionary measures and with the mutual cooperation of different institutions. These views were expressed by him when meeting with Syed Muhammad Akhyiar Habeeb Irfani president of AL Akhyiar Foundation at central police office. Syed Muhammad Akhyiar Habeeb Irfani acknowledged the efforts of Punjab Police for being on the front line against Corona and provided 245 safety kits and 300 face masks for police employees by his foundation. Addl operations Inam Ghani paid thanks on behlaf of IG Punjab Shoaib Dastgir to AL Akhyiar foundation for the provision of safety equipment. He while discussing said that these safety kits and face masks will play an important role in preventing themselves from the Coronavirus during their duties upon which we are thankful from the core of heart.