Millions of rupees corruptions have been alleged in the National Highways and Motorways Police (NH&MP), sources said on Thursday.
Rs. 770 million corruptions were committed at the name of fuel adjustments and vehicle repair and maintenance works, the sources said.
According to the documents available with the Ministry of Communication, the officers at the Motorways police extracted Rs. 110 million for vehicles repairing in 2018 and over Rs. 280 million in fuel adjustments.
The NH&MP is divided in seven zones likewise the vehicles. In 2017, the authority charged Rs. 90 million in fuel consumption of 1,034 vehicles while over Rs. 290 million in terms of vehicles repair and maintenance work.
The sources said that heavy corruption has been alleged in the NH&MP financial affairs. As per details, Motorways police have 216 vehicles, North zone has 197, central zone 187, headquarters zone 125 and training college 25.
The report states the officers used Rs. 190 million fuel and Rs. 580 million on repair and maintenance work of the vehicles.
In this regard, massive level audit is being conducted.