Pakistan China Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Halal Research Council inaugurated “Nationwide Awareness Road Show” on Halal Industry on Thursday by holding a seminar on “Coronavirus magnifies Halal Food Potential in China” at the PCJCCI premises.
The keynote speakers for the session were Pakistan’s first female food technologist Ms. Nighat Jawwad, CEO YUMZ Group and Awais Ali, Business Development Manager at Qarshi Research International. The chief guest of the event was Irfan Nawaz Memon, Director General Punjab Food Authority.
Speaking on the occasion Zarak Khan, President PCJCCI said that, China is considered the world’s manufacturing hub and is seeking to expand its participation in the growing halal food sector. The Chinese government has sought to improve trade with Organization of Islamic Cooperation countries through its “One Belt One Road” initiative.
Ms. Nighat Jawwad, CEO YUMZ and Pakistan’s first female food technologist delivered thought-provoking views by sharing world’s Halal production and consumption patterns. She highlighted the emerging situation after Coronavirus and how this challenging crisis has offered new opportunities for Pakistan. On account of the aforementioned factors, the global halal food market size is anticipated to expand at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of nearly 11% during 2020-2024. She further added that, private sector can substantially capture the floating opportunities with the government support in removing the existing barriers.
Awais Ali, Manager Business Development at Qarshi Research International shared his views by saying, Pakistan having the most significant geography on the globe, has enormous potential for Halal Trade. Pakistan is among the most recognized Muslim country, and even the product exhibiting “Made in Pakistan” has an impression in the consumer’s mind that the product is halal. Also taking CPEC into account, Pakistan’s access to global market is getting easy and wide, which also has a large impact in the supply chain for halal trade.
Irfan Nawaz Memon, Director General Punjab Food Authority expressed his views by saying, through an integrated approach Punjab Food Authority ensures food safety from “Farm to Fork”. Punjab Food Authority has taken special preventive measures to ensure clean and hygienic Halal Food especially in the wake of spread of recent pandemic.