In the National Command and Operations Centre meeting held on Monday, it has been decided to increase covid-related restrictions in cities and districts with a positivity rate greater than 8%.
Expressing grave concern over the worsening situation of coronavirus in Pakistan, NCOC has ordered the capital and provincial administrations to tighten covid restrictions and ensure adherence to health protocols to contain the disease spread. It has also directed administrators and law enforcement agencies to carry out a crackdown wherever the SOPs are being violated.
- Use of face mask would be mandatory.
- All non-essential commercial activities will remain closed two days a week, and would only be allowed till 8pm when open.
- Mobility in hotspots, other than in case of emergency, will not be allowed.
- Strict adherence to covid SOPs at tourist spots in KPK, GB and AJK.
- All sports activities to remain suspended.
- 50% attendance in all public and private offices.
- Complete ban on indoor weddings, events and dining. Outdoor gatherings and dining to end by 10pm.
- Cinemas and shrines to stay closed.
- 70% passengers allowed on trains.
- Parks will stay closed, however jogging, biking tracks will be open with mandatory face masks.
- Reduced attendance at courts.
The latest restrictions are to be implemented immediately and will remain in effect till April 11, 2021. However, NCOC will hold another meeting on April 7, 2021 to access the situation, before the new restrictions are eased.