The Norman forum of jurists working on the academic research and high level studies in the field of peace has highly appreciated Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Green Stimulus initiative to fight Covid-19 impacts and address unemployment in the country.
The Normandy Chair for Peace in an appreciation letter addressed to the PM said, “We will have peace on Earth when we have peace with the Earth. We write to congratulate and commend your good self and your administration for the wonderful initiative to engage your people, unemployed by the Covid crisis, to plant trees and restore your forests. What you are doing is an excellent example of crisis being turned into an opportunity to achieve a greater good. Your initiative is especially important in the face of the climate emergency that will hit the face of the world and humankind after this Covid crisis,”
The Pakistani government’s initiative highlights the single way in which the world could address multi and crucial challenges of unemployment, deforested mountains, depleting groundwater sources, loss of terrestrial biodiversity, malnutrition and the continued global heating – all in one sweep, it further added.
The example depicted by Prime Minister Imran Khan’s green conservation project was also a major part of the new economy, aiming to conserve, protect and restore the Land, Air, and Waters (LAW) of Life which was also called the CPR Economy. The CPR was a new economic model that did not devastate the Sources and LAW of life rather turned livelihoods and industry to focus on fostering Nature. It also pointed out that the Forum had also took stock of engaging of women and children in the effort who would be otherwise doing nothing worthwhile and losing their dignity.
The environment preserving programme was addressing many of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) such as, among others, zero hunger (SDG-1), Gender Equality (SDG-5), Decent Work and (Sustainable) Economic Growth (SDG-8), Life on Land (SDG-15), the letter added.
The Normandy Chair comprising of experts jurists on peace had acclaimed the choice for planting native tree species particularly Moringa which was easy to plant, very quick to grow, and a most nutritious and potently-medicinal vegetable.
The letter had also attached images of Gambila River Bed in Lakki Marwat before and after successful Billion Tree Tsunami plantation drive. It termed the visible difference of turning a barren land into a lush green area from 2013 to 2018 within four years of afforestation as ‘indisputable’.
“Your ambitious but realistic program to expand it to Ten Billion Trees will make your country a model for the rest of the world. While the world’s forests burn in Australia, Indonesia, United States, in Brazil’s Amazon, your good government is planting trees and restoring the lungs of the Earth.”
The letter said: “Timing of the Ten Billion Trees programme and the hiring of Covid-idled workers is truly an example of recovering from this crisis with dignity.”
They went on to mention: “We humbly echo the statement of Mr. Rab Nawaz of WWF-Pakistan when he said that your government’s move is ‘a very good idea to create green jobs and get people employed’. Prime Minister Imran Khan, Sir, your work is a shining example that will inspire and their hearts on fire. On behalf of a grateful people around the world-of the present and will appreciate your work even more-Thank You.”