Amid US-West’ intensive badmouthing China as exporter of “overcapacity” in green energy compared to China’s super high-tech capacity to the world, let’s be fair and honest in making realistic point differentiating true from untrue, says a report carried by China Economic Net (CEN) on Friday.
Without siding anyone, why not sit down calmly and mull over same strings being harped by the US as well as Western countries to understand nitty-gritty of undercurrents. “Does overcapacity exist in China or it is just flimsy excuse of G7?”, Is it true as trumpeted by US-led Western nexus that China is flooding world markets with cheap products in the name of green energy or China is among top contributors producing premier renewable energy helping global endeavours to meet zero-carbon footprints?
Do facts substantiate the accusations being levelled by the US and the West that China is violating international market norms by dumping its new energy industry overcapacity around the globe or it is all about to exert last ditch effort to safeguard protectionism by hook or crook?
Spiral phony-baloney gained new ground when U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen blamed China with “overcapacity” in new energy during her recent China trip. While, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also jumped the bandwagon arguing that the necessity of the EU to take a tough stance in its dialogue with China over what the EU perceived as ‘unfair trade practices’, echoing the “overcapacity” charge against China by the U.S.