There comes a moment in a relationship when no word can express the affection and carebut a simple hug can. It says it all. It conveysyourfeelingsas well as fills the heart and soul with a sense of peace and satisfaction of doing your part. A mother to her kid, a toddler to its favorite toy, a pet to its keeper, a gardener to its flower blooming plants, a farmer to its bullock, a patient to its curer, a devotee to its mentor and a worshipper to its God – urge to show affection is but natural among all living beings. It not only defines the relationship but also strengthens itmanifold.
It is one such time in the life of our nation, when weowe you this much needed and well-earned“Hug”, dear Imran Khan. You fill our heart with joy, eyes with tears and make us tall with pride when you address from the rostrum of the United Nations and spell bound the whole world. You advocate the case of the Muslims in an unprecedented manner and become voice of the suppressed and the misunderstood. Masses around the world raise their hands and bow their heads and seek Allah’s protection for you as they see the emancipator in you.And they say, and they ask, “Is He the one?”.
Yousurpriseus by taking the wheels to host Saudi Prince and when you speak, it isfor the relief of prisoners. And the way you put it, “My poor countrymen, laboring hard for their families” – you compel us for nothing else but to fall in love with you all over again.
Heart of the nation goes out to you when you draw attention whether when the foreign first lady asks to hold your hand or when the infamous arrogant president of a world power calls you his friend. You leave us with no choice but to smile and feel delighted.
Amid the pandemic, which has brought the world economic giants to its knees, your concern for the daily wagersis at the forefront of all national planning. You have not forgotten them nor let the nation isolate and abandon them. Giving cash money enabling them to spend Ramadan and lockdown in tranquility – who does that? Who remembers them? You must have a brain of a dreamer and the mind of an idealist. But baffling the world, a country shackled in foreign debt did not let its poor stranded,rather you arose high appealing world decision makers for concessions to smaller countries. You find no shame in asking for donations when it’s for the public welfare and time is witness, people respond astoundingly knowing that you are anything but corrupt and their contributions will be well spent.Allah truly has blessed you to be the source of comfort and happiness for the needy. Can we help not supporting you, not praying for you? I am glad, we cannot.
Yes, you have an appearance of an ancient “Greek Hero”, yes you are still handsome and charismatic, your smile still takes the breath of millions away, but that’s not what the nation got carried away with. It is your selfless, sky highanduncompromising concern for the underprivileged. You have never faltered your resolve ofuplifting the country. You are the answer to their prayers to salvage and cure the heinous disease of hunger.
Not the Prime Minister, you are Imran Khan to them and that’s what you are – IMRAN; means “Happiness/ Prosperity”. Truly Imran for the subjugatedas well as for the struggling and aspiringyouth. You want youngsters to be just like you – A Dreamer and a Nationalist. You have become a wave of fresh cool breeze to the dry, wrinkled and tired face of the nation. How can wenot feel the urge to say Thank You?
Indeed, you disappoint us sometimes with your decisions and its outcomes but you too are a human being and “to err is human”. You will also have your share of mistakes and as we own your achievements, we will share the burden of mistakes too. At times, when you prove our apprehensions wrong, we Thank Allah for your ability to make right decisions in the best interest of the nation.
Ever since in government, it has been like a constant trail of myriad, humungous and nerves breakingcrisis challengingyou with all its might. But kudos and utmost respect that you have been steadfast and resilientlikea true leader who is an agile warrior in the field, wise and diligent in office, considerate and connector among publicand visionary in the solitude. Your fortitude amidst such gigantic social, economic and political challenges, while being under constant microscopic scrutiny of media, opposition and public, is incredible.We cherish your untraditional ways even though you are bashed for the dress you wear, food you eat, and the rosary you hold. But we simply adore and get amused by your “Desi &Darveshi Conduct”. History does not reflect any such hardworking and determined rulerafter Jinnah, who is destined to revive national glory at any cost. Nation wants to become your consoler and helper.Is notsky rocketing registrations in Tiger Force display of this affection?
Dear fellows, would you join me in a symbolic display of our trust and gratitude to Imran Khan as well as to the Angels and Heroes; the doctors and medical care providers, civil and military functionaries, service providers, politicians, media personnel, civil society activists and all others who are working day and night in the field? I shall be lighting a candle at 8pm on May 6th.Join me with yourcandle/lantern/torch or even a mobile flash light at your window /terrace/roof top/lawn or wherever outside you can while maintaining due distance and post your picture #HugPK. I might be the only one holding the candle but I shall be thanking the brave hearts of our nation. Who cares to join?
The witer is a development sector practitioner and can be reached at Twitter @sunniyakhn