In view of present situation of lock down due to Covid-19 educational institutions are closed till 31st May 2020 as per announcement of the Government. The government also issued directions for citizens to stay at home and to avoid going outside without any genuine reason. Children are also staying at home and their interactions with internet especially with social media applications and platform has been increased in order to reduce the boredom. Here comes the role of parents and caregivers of children to train children for enjoying with social media platforms after taking necessary measures for their own safety.
This was discussed in detail during an online workshop arranged by Search for Justice, a non-government organization working for strengthening child rights and protection work in Pakistan. The session was led by Mr. Asif Iqbal Chaudhary Assistant Director Cyber Crimes at Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and attended by 30 persons representing various civil society organizations working for protection and well being of children, parents, legal practitioners, young people and children. The objective of this online workshop was to discuss the possible risks associated when children are using social media without any appropriate information and knowledge covering safe usage of social media. In prevailing situation Role of Parents and care givers as facilitators to make sure the safe access of children to online platform has become very significant. The workshop also focused on process for reporting the cases of online harassment and exploitation to concerned authorities.
M. Iftikhar Mubarik from Search for Justice shared that under article 17 of UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which says that states parties recognize the important function performed by the mass media and shall ensure that the child has access to information and material from a diversity of national and international sources, especially those aimed at the promotion of his or her social, spiritual and moral well-being and physical and mental health. Mr. Iftikhar added that keeping in view the significance of children’s rights in relation to the digital environment the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child is also in process of drafting a General Comment. It is very important to civil society organizations, social workers, teachers and those who are working with children to first seek authentic information to share them with children in child friendly way.
Mr. Asif Iqbal Chaudhary Assistant Director Cyber Crime Wing at Federal Investigation agency in his leading session shared few case studies in which children were trapped by criminals for sexual exploitation, pornography and blackmailing etc. He urged that it is very important for parents to develop a friendly parenting relationship with their children. It is responsibility of parents being adults to guide their children about safety and well being while using Social Media independently. Information, knowledge and skills regarding using Social Media in a safe and secure way is need of the time and the parents while staying at home can improve their current information, knowledge and skills to support their child for making sure their access to social media without any fear to be harassed or exploited. There is dire need that parents must educate their children on avoiding to add strangers in their friends list, sharing any kind of photograph with any stranger, sharing their passwords with any friendly and relative, joining any groups disseminate any fake news or hated material. Children must be given confidence by the parents to share with them immediately if something happens online which makes a child uncomfortable. Early sharing of such incident can surely be helpful in preventing big loss, said by Mr. Asif Iqbal. He shared that in case of any online harassment, National Response Centre for Cyber Crime can be contacted through helpline 9911 or filling online complaint through online complaint form available at our website, complaints can be made in writing at any files office of FIA. In response of a question by Mr. Sajjad Ahmed Cheema Executive Director SPARC rearguing special skills for interviewing children in case of online harassment cases Mr. Asif responded that FIA is working to engage its female staff specially in mater related to women, girls and children to make the complainant comfortable. FIA recently hired a team of psychologists which will be assisting investigation staff as well as proving counselling to the victims of online harassment. This is also very much important to understand that beside other aspects online harassment has severe psychological impacts.
Ms. Rashida Qureshi Program Coordinator Search For Justice urged the incorporation of Online Safety messages for children into school curriculum to make sure that children are empowered enough to recognize online harassment and exploitation for avoiding such situations. She particularly suggested strengthen cooperation between law enforcement agencies and civil society organizations in the areas of awareness raising and capacity building of children, teachers, parents and other stakeholders who work with children for prevention of online harassment. The scale of the issue requires coordinated efforts by different stakeholders empower our children and young people to prevent online harassment and exploitation, said by Ms. Qureshi.
Mr. Mubarak Ali Sarwar Chief Executive Officer of AGAHE shared that in recent difficult situation due to Covid-19 this is very much appreciable that Government of Pakistan under its different social protection programs has awarding cash grant to eligible people to meet their human requirements which are suffers due to Covid-19. He shared that sending CNIC number through SMS at 8171 is the right way to check the eligibility under EHSAS program thus public must not pay any amount to anyone for getting financial assistance.