Following the Pulwama Attack, the Indian Air Force (IAF) have been subjected to a lot of heat and controversies. In an investigation a link was revealed between the Indian forces and air defence missile launch.
The crash of the Mi-17 helicopter also came into light after it killed seven IAF personnel in Indian Occupied Kashmir (Iok), Budgam.
Many sources have claimed that investigators have been looking for the sequence of events prior to the crash. It also claimed that the ‘Identity, Friend or Foe’ systems are being examined. The missile which was said to be Israeli, was activated after an air defence alert was sounded.
The access to all available input, evidence and actions of the chopper are made transparent for the senior officer who has been officially investigating the case.
It was said that Pakistani jets had breached the border which triggered the air defence alarm. An alarm once sounded causes many things; aircraft and helicopters need to follow a certain procedure, system shifting and routes are changed etc.
Reports also cite that the IAF would not hesitate to cover any personnel, if found guilty. The case is also set to search how systems can be modified and improved for further preventions.
The airstrike that is said to be, on one hand a fire and on the other a loud explosion (indicating the contribution of an external event). Both speculations are still to be investigated in terms of which is right.