Well-known National and International clinical psychologists gathered at the University of Management and Technology for the 2nd International conference organised by the university’s Institute of Clinical Psychology.
The subject of the conference was Preventive Strategies in Clinical Psychology Preemption and Proaction. The Rector of UMT Professor Dr. Muhammad Asaln along with Director General UMT Abid HK Sherwani, Director Institute of Clinical Psychology UMT Dr. Zahid Mehmood and Dr. Keith D. Renshaw from George Mason University, USA inaugurated the conference.
There were more than 25 National and International scholars, researchers and experts were a part of this conference. The guest speakers included Dr. Anila Kamal QAU, Islamabad, Dr. Marshaley J. Baquiano, University of Philippines, Dr. Rebeeca Fox, George Mason University, USA, Dr. Wojciech Lukasz Dragan University of Warsaw, Poland, Dr. Zainab, Bahria University, Karachi and many others. These experts presented more than 220 stimulating scientific research papers on Clinical Psychology.
“The purpose of this conference is to prevent social and psychological problems from developing and becoming severe,” said Institute of Clinical Psychology’s (ICP) Director Professor Dr. Zahid Mahmood. He further said that the role of taking preventive measures is not very common around the globe and there is need to go a long way to develop and practice these preventive strategies by clinical psychology in service of the community. He also said that it is necessary to be psychologically literate to face the challenges by our society and clinical psychology plays a vital role in managing interpersonal relationships and empowering the youth.
Rector UMT Dr. Muhammad Aslam addressed the conference and congratulated the ICP. He thanked all guest speakers for attending the conference. The rector further said, “UMT Institute of Clinical Psychology is professionally contributing enough for the promotion of mental health in the community and this conference is an effective plat forum for strong networking among the expert scholars and professionals to facilitate for the further development in the area of clinical psychology and support to the clinical population to improve community’s mental health.”
Dr.Keith, Dr. Wojciech, Dr. Marshaley and all other renowned scholars emphasized on the importance of clinical psychology. They presented evidence to support the problems people face due to trauma and other disorders.
A large number of students, staff, faculty media, government representatives and people from all walk of life participated in this 2 days International conference on Clinical Psychology.
Published in Daily Times, March 15th 2019.