ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister’s Adviser on Climate Change, Malik Amin Aslam on Thursday said that Pakistan will lodge a complaint with the United Nations against India for “eco-terrorism” by bombing trees and killing animals.
In a statement issued on Friday, the advisor said that Indian so- called surgical air strikes on Pakistan have caused damage to ‘Billion Tree Tsunami’ nature reserve.
Aslam laminated that causing harm to the environment and damaging trees and birds comes under “eco-terrorism”.
He said international and local journalists also visited the damaged site and they confirmed that the Indian dumping of payload damaged several trees in the areas and killed few crows.
Earlier on Tuesday, Indian Air Force jets bombed a hilly forest northern Pakistani area Muzafrabad, about 40 km from Indian border in the Himalayan region of Kashmir. New Delhi said it had destroyed a militant training camp and killed hundreds of “terrorists”.
However, Pakistan denied Indian claims of destroying any terror camps and klling of over 300 terrorists in the area.