The past several weeks have been extremely hot and dry weather here in Karachi and other part of Pakistan, as we know global warming have been serious threat and it is getting worst and worst.
I am surprised that our so-called Political Leaders and Administrators have not taken any serious measures and the reason they would never take one, I know that. When they come into power, their agenda gets changed and the only objective they carry is to drain public wealth in their bank accounts. They are extremely busy in planning and executing their goals to build empires inside and out of Pakistan. Building credibility among the looters and plunders is their Nobel cause. Their genius brain constantly thinks of how to make instant money through kickbacks, commissions, bribes, misappropriation, embezzlements or by any illegitimate means. Luxury life is their ultimate dream and for that, they can go beyond limits. Alas, they have forgotten that this ill-gotten money will take them to the path that has only repentance, curse and their dark graves with no luxuries.
Millions of people are fasting in this blessed month of Ramzan but these corrupt politicians have not made arrangements to accommodate them, so they can enjoy the true blessing of this month. People, after seventy years, are still suffering for necessities like fresh air, water, electricity, and natural gas. I don’t think Genghis Khan or Pharaoh would have done such barbarism to their nations.
As we all know that, rewards for good deeds multiply several times during the month of Ramazan. We Muslims try to perform such actions through which we can get closer to Allah (Subhana ho Wataalah) and earn increased rewards. Besides other obligatory prayers and moral actions, charity is always recommended for us. It can prevent us from poverty, disease, accidents, starve, miserableness and many other calamities. Charity can be performed in many shapes and forms. A commonly known form of charity is to give away money, but there are plenty others. Removing obstacle in a way, giving shoulder for help is also a form of charity. But do you know that SMILE is also a form of charity? yes, it is. It is the lightest indeed but heavy on the scale. Giving smiles to each other can remove bitterness from our heart. It can bring enemies closer to so they could become friends.
Our religion talks about our responsibilities towards the environment. Trees should be given respect as it serves an important role and should not be unnecessarily harmed.
Allah has created them as one of the many signs of His existence. Quran has motioned about lush garden and trees in heaven, the benefit and significance of planting a tree are not only in this world but hereafter…………So think about it!!!!!
Every religion talks about charity and helping others mankind. I’ll humbly request to all my brother and sister in other religions whether you are Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Sikh, Baha’i, Zoroastrian, monotheist, and others help to promote this Nobel cause.
Today I would like to talk about a charity that only a few people would know of or ever consider performing. PLANT A TREE, yes, planting a tree is another form of charity and planter receives rewards and blessing not only in this world but hereafter until the tree provides benefits to the mankind.
Since I came back to Pakistan, I have been noticing that greenery has become a scarcity in Karachi. I remember my childhood days when I used to play around trees in my school and neighborhood, climbing trees was always a fun for us. Local Municipality seemed chopped off trees due to widening roads to accommodate more traffic or to building apartment complexes or business areas due to population increase.
Whatever the case may be, Trees are a vital element for any society and in our life, it inhale carbon dioxide and delivers it back as oxygen, in other terms it recycles Carbon to produce Oxygen. Having trees can
Have several benefits. Under its shade people and animals can take rest during scorching heat days, birds can have their nests, insects may have their colonies, and on top of that, they provide an opportunity and activity for our kids to play around. We would have never found the Gravitational Force if Newton would not have set under the Apple tree. However, these heartless and faithless people have ruined this vital element. These vultures have traded public parks and playgrounds to earn filthy wealth. They have stony hearts that can never feel the pain of a common man.
Ok, now what is your role or where you stand in all this. Hmm, as we have learned some great benefits of having a Tree then why DON’T YOU, YES YOU, TAKE AN OWNERSHIP OF TREE just like you have taken one orphan.
One man = one tree, yes, only one tree will make a change
Let’s think of how many people lives in our Towns, Villages, Cities and in our Country.
Today, your job is to think about it! just imagine about somebody standing under a tree-shade that you planted with your own hand regardless any religion, sects, color or any ethnical background. Now think of the rewards that you will get, WOW you feel like you are in paradise, a pleasure, and happiness you will feel you can’t even express. Happiness and joy that you can’t buy from anywhere even if you pay millions, and the Ajar and dua you will get it is a SUPER BONUS and is Countless.
I would like stress once again the facts and the benefits of having a tree as follow
* Helps to reduce skin cancer and heat stroke
* Reduce espouse to UV rays, the primary cause of cancer and childhood Asthma
* A tree can absorb as much as 48 pounds approximately of carbon dioxide per year
* A tree creates an ecosystem to provide habitat, food for birds and other animals
* And the top of those trees is teacher and playmate and many more benefits
Again, a question, how would you feel when you are under a tree shade during a hot day when you enter the park or garden and spend some time. You will notice that birds are chirping, and beautiful animals are running around, your children are playing without any fear. Such outdoor activities would develop their brain with a positive attitude. It’s too bad that children now a day spend hours in front of a Computer/Tabs playing games or browsing immoral websites which can only damage their brain by adopting bad manners and developing negative personalities so at least do something for the next generation… Think about it!!!!!
Now what we can do as an Individual, Group, School, College, and Institute, as follows,
* Engaged school/college children and youth in healthy activities, arrange awareness programs, develop competition among them year-round or minimum during summer/winter vacations, the teacher should also be involved and motivate students.
* Create awareness programs in Masajid and engaged Senior Citizens to utilize their leading/teaching ability, wisdom, and skills.
* Parents should also be encouraged to involve in such programs, they may help to build a platform for their child/children
* Social, Electronic and Print media should also be a part of this Nobel cause in making an Ambassador of a Trueman to Treeman
What plant or tree should we choose from for our benefit and our next generation
Many trees out there you can choose from, all you need is a strong commitment and a promise to yourself to plant ONE TREE yes only ONE TREE. I have been researching about trees to know which of them are the best for our region and I found a few of them like Neem, Gulmohar, Amaltas, Peepal and among several different species I have found one of most beneficial tree that grows fast and contains several health benefits, that tree is called MoringaOleifera or Sohajna or Miracle Tree. Other names of the same tree are Tree of Life, Drumstick tree, and Horseradish. I guess Miracle Tree is rightly named because of its benefits to our health. From roots to fruits it has potential in everything. Moringa is a super resilient tree that mostly grows in Asia, Africa and some part of Central America. It can be planted year-round, making it one of the most sustainable plants out there. It has tons of incredible nutrition that you can imagine that is why it is called a Miracle Tree.
I would highly recommend you to do some research on Moringa tree and think again about planting at least one in your life
It is never too late to start
But if you start late then you would lose a today’s happiness
Do it Today! Then never… and be an Ambassador of a Trueman to Treeman.
Published in Daily Times, May 29th 2018.