Idris Babur, a Lahore based poet and activist who is credited with creating a new poetic genre called Ashra, is the latest victim of the extremist mindset prevailing in the society.
He is facing threats from within his literary circle for his progressive views. He has also received hate messages on social media.
Ashra are poems written in 10 lines. Babur’s ashras are mostly about contemporary political and social issues like the status of women in conservative societies, about the renowned rights activist and lawyer Asma Jehangir as well as on the issue of missing persons.
In a detailed interview with Daily Times, Babur, who is working as the editor of the Pak-Academy of Letters, narrated an incident from his recent trip to Islamabad. “I went to Islamabad with a friend. As he was busy in an interview with a private TV channel, I left the building and went on a walk in the surrounding area when two youngsters came to me and started abusing me saying that my views were against the teachings of religion. I understand the sensitivity and aggression of the youngsters so I started running towards a bushy location where I managed a seek help and was taken to a safe location eventually.”
Babar is the author of the “Yunhe”, a book based on poetry which was also published from India. He says he received many critical remarks on the book from across the border as well.
He narrated another instance involving a trip to a pharmacist’s shop. “I was wearing a shirt with the flag of Norway. I was stopped by a man on the way who asked what was I wearing. Then he asked if I was a Muslim and why was I wearing a shirt with the Christian symbol of cross.” Soon, two other men joined in so he ewxused himself and left the scene.
“If you are writing for Hazaras, only Hazara will support you, the rest will label you a Hazara. If you are writing for other marginalised communities, then again, you will be labeled as such.”
“We need to rethink the curriculum we are teaching to our children. The curriculum can produce critical thinkers as well as people filled with hate and prejudice towards others,” he said, adding that the media also needed to do some introspection to figure out how exactly it was contributing to radicalisation of the society.
Like other spheres of life in this country, he said, literary circles were also affected by the prevalant of extremists tendencies. “Faiz Ahmad Faiz and other progressive voices are no longer given their due recognition in these circles,” he lamented.
Babur says that one of the threatening message he received on the social media for his posts was “we will make you another Mashal Khan.”
He said he received the threat after he posted his views following the heroic welcome given to the 26 people involved in Mashal Khan lynching by extremist outfits in Mardan.
Despite these threats, Babur hasn’t yet lost his optimism about the society. He says, “silencing people is not the solution. We must nurture a society where those with questions are given answers to their satisfaction.”
He says it is unfortunate that while progressive voices are being silenced in the country, the extremists have free reins to operate the way they want to. “My simple opinion is: let’s sit and restructure the culture of the debate and argument in our society.”
Lastly, Babur shared his Ahra on the prevailing political environment in the country.
Published in Daily Times, May 6th 2018.