Islamabad on Monday notified a revised control list of goods, technologies, materials and equipment for export, re-export, trans-shipment and transit of goods related to nuclear and biological weapons and their delivery systems. The lists and export control regimes are part of the government’s efforts to comply with the requirements of international groups of nuclear material exporters and non-proliferator of which Pakistan desires to become a member. In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) on Monday, as part of a regular review process, the Strategic Export Control Division (SECDIV) of MoFA, Pakistan revised and updated the control lists, in consultation with other relevant ministries and departments. The list includes items which are subject to a SECDIV license for export. The revision, it said, was made in compliance with the Export Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery Systems Act 2004.
The revised control lists, it said, have been notified via a special regulatory order 551(I)/2022 from April 2022.
The foreign office said that the notification signifies Islamabad’s continuing resolve and policy, as a responsible nuclear state, to advance the shared goals of non-proliferation and strictly adhere to its commitments. The control lists were originally notified in 2005. They were subsequently revised in 2011, 2015, 2016, 2018 and now in 2022. The revised control lists are harmonized with the standards and lists of export control regimes.
The lists are part of Islamabad’s efforts to streamline and strengthen its export control regime and enhance its engagement with international export control regimes such as the Nuclear Suppliers Group, the Missile Technology Control Regime and the Australia Group.