Metafuture School has extended scholarships to five extraordinary Pakistani young scholars to develop their skills in Futures Studies and Transformative Foresight.
The participants receiving the Global Futures Fellowship from Pakistan are, Muhammad Muhammad Mudabbir Majid, Muhammad Moosa Hashim, Alina Salman, Hisham Sajid and Anum Qasim. All these young talented youth are between the ages of 18-35 years of age.
The winners of the Fellowship were nominated by AGAHI for their dedication and hard work, while excelling in their professional careers, creating social dividends for the communities they work in.
Sohail Inayatullah, Founder and Chief Instructor of the Metafuture School said, “Our intent is that, these young Pakistanis can use the information and knowledge from the field and School to develop practical anticipatory action learning projects in their own country. These projects can be about personal futures i.e. inner transformation or about broad external transformations, such as, the futures of water, or clean cities, of peer to peer solar networks or about national and global issues such as climate change 2050 or Asia 2050”. He further said, “we hope they work within Pakistan and the broader futures community to make a difference.
“I am very excited about encouraging young generation of Pakistanis to focus on Futures Thinking and Strategic Foresight, we were able to nominate some of the most brilliant minds from the country, we are hoping to expand the nomination process in 2021 and are extremely grateful to Metafuture school for facilitating the fellowship and certification”, said Puruesh Chaudhary, Founder and President AGAHI, the flagship research institution on Futures and Foresight research in Pakistan.
METAFUTURE School is an educational think tank which explores futures-oriented issues. The institutions approach to futures thinking and practice (theories, methods, tools and processes) is based on the “Six Pillars” model which inquiries into alternative and preferred futures and the worldviews and myths that underlie them. This online school is dedicated to making futures studies aka “strategic foresight” work accessible to as many people around the world as possible so that we can transform the future together.
Participants can take the Futures course online and if they wish to sign up for certification, it can be managed through the Tamkang University’s (the largest Futures Studies Program in the world) Center for Foresight and Intelligence (CFAR). Students choose a research question – the future of their organization or nation or a particular issue relevant to their communities, i.e. the futures of water or pandemics, etc., and use the methods and tools to articulate scenarios, visions, strategies and transformative narratives.
Over 200 individuals have taken the course so far. Organizations including the Australian National Disability Services, UN ESCAP, and many others have been part of these courses.
Metafuture is an educational think tank that explores alternative and preferred futures and the worldviews and myths that underlie them. Through presentations, workshops and research, Metafuture helps local and global organizations and institutions create alternative and preferred futures. It is hosted by Sohail Inayatullah and Ivana Milojević.