LAHORE: The government of Punjab has successfully deployed Health Logistics Management Information System in Health Information Service Delivery Unit (HISDU) data center, Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department (PSHD). Director General Health Services Punjab, Dr. Haroon Jahangir Khan applauded the financial and technical support from United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Chemonics International for development and deployment of Health Logistic Management Information System (HLMIS) in Punjab while officiating the handing over ceremony of HLMIS to PSHD, Punjab. The ceremony was held on Friday, July 24, 2020, at the Directorate General Health Services, at Lahore.
“I genuinely appreciate the support of UNICEF, Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and Chemonics for bringing medicines data visibility through Health Logistics Management Information System (HLMIS) for improved access” said Dr. Haroon Jahangir.
This advanced technology based information system developed by Chemonics International with technical and financial support of UNICEF and BMGF needs to be scaled-up nationwide under Global Action for Pneumonia and Diarrhea (GAPPD) and visionary leadership of Excellencies Minister for Heath, Dr. Yasmin Rashid and SAPM-Health, Dr. Zafar Mirza, said the Director General, Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination (Mo/NHSR&C), Dr. Malik Muhammad Safi.
The Project Director, Mr. Ahmar Khan, HISDU apprised that his team has successfully deployed HLMIS technology with the support of Chemonics team. The system has been pegged at HISDU data center and will now be managed by HISDU, independently.
Lauding the efforts of Punjab government, the UNICEF Health Specialist and Acting Chief of Field Operations, Lahore, Dr. Tahir Manzoor said, “It is a great achievement that HLMIS has brought data visibility of essential medicines at the provincial MSD & five priority (GAPPD) districts of south Punjab.”
Summarizing the long journey in pursuit of strengthening the public health supply chain, Dr. Muhammad Tariq, Country Director, Chemonics International thanked PSHD, Punjab, Mo/NHSR&C, USAID Pakistan, UNICEF and BMGF for their support for digitizing public health supply chains in the province. He reiterated, that my team is available to scale up HLMIS in the remaining parts of the country.
The ceremony was witnessed by the dignitaries from the PSHD, Government of Punjab, UNICEF, and Chemonics International Inc.
The ceremony concluded with presentation of shields and mementos to the contributing partners and the Chief Guest.