Indian BJP leadership despite of having befitting response to its violation of Pakistani airspace in February has remained successful in tricking their constituencies through presenting them the confrontationas a heroic display of valor and deterrence in otherwise of the actual shame, IAF bagged in skirmishes with PAF. Thanks to Indian jingoistic mainstream media pundits, whoeffectivelyboasted the defeat as a Bollywood series to the public, enveloped in blatant lies to satisfy the narrative necessitatedby their owners; few capitalist giants own 90% of media lines, playing as being fed by ruling BJP leadershipheedlesslyof international media reporting and rational opinion of saner analysts. One should give credit for such boastful feat of shaping true lies dressed cunningly in patriotism and Hinduismindoctrinatingthe minds of millions that eventuallyended up in a historic election success of BJP. This project mustereda huge rating and capital flow and gave strength to the idea of similartelecasting occasional remixes to be directed and played each timethose corporate media owners like to herd nationalist Hindutwa masses.
It was already known to many, BJP still had a card in hand regarding Article 370 to be played for some other time of need by any among thetroika of political, military leadership and capitalistmainstream media. Off course it was not in the question anytime soon. But then againwhat compelledtroika directors to telecast it in urgency wasa series of events that emboldened opposition parties to question Mr. Modiabout his offer of mediation as claimed by President Trump at some point atthe sidelines of G-20 summit, Buenos Aires. They had already built pressure on ruling party for terrorist listing of Baluchistan Liberation Army and ICJ’s acknowledgement of India as a terrorist sponsoring state at international level.
After a week of stage setting for the climax sceneby means of;telecom shutoff, warnings to foreigners and tourists, deploying extra troops, Monday marked the nefarious climax of narrow-mindedness,prearrangedforfurther deprivation and suppression of Kashmiris. Although itconcluded with much triumph by Indian media as if a laudable mammoth operation undertook by BJP. However world silently witnessed an utter disregard to the self-determination of Kashmiris and violation of U.N resolution.
Pakistan as nation seemed united, unequivocally condemning the brutal act in every language and forum by standing with our brethren Kashmiris. There was somewhere a hope for United Nations or the superpower to rebuke India for not taking the step of changing special status of valley in Indian constitution, May be we forgot India as emerging capitalist market or we are still in dejavu of recent popular visit of P.M. to United States. Maybe the sweet gestures and cheering welcome has once again disillusioned our liberal minds. Again and again driven emotionally we baselessly build expectations from Washington or to international organizations to stand by our stance or the stance of humanitarian crises just for the feel of depressed. Liberal view emphasize this point of view that events are rational and consider caring lives as they are seen in international relations.
There could be flipside of the events if taken realistically, may be not true but at least should be considered by policy masters while stepping towards nationalist multipolar future globe. International decisions are prioritized by national interest, economic power and security. Emerging paradigm of politics has ranked economy as top of the list, where economies has turned out to be national security threats.
There is a possibility, if Taliban (as they are) demanding a complete withdrawal from Afghanistan as a foremost condition of peace dialogueand Washington has taken serious consideration of emerging China as a threat to its economic hegemony (as evident from recent intensification of trade war by U.S) inthe looming multipolar world. It is not in her interest to completely exist from South Asia; on the other handto end war expenditure is rather more urgent interest of Washingtonespecially of President Trump to shut the war windows before elections.
India, a declared strategic ally of U.S may provide a more comfortable position to her ally on its own expense, an ideal place to check china, CPEC along with dictating Pakistan. That beautiful valley buthow Pakistan will agree is the hindrance in this plan, may be recent spectrum of events; BLA listing, mediation offer, apparent resistance of India to Washington mediation, are a preplanneddemonstrationto get Pakistan happily convinced to an imminent dialogue which allow third party presence in the valley in a form or type that may look nominal at the start but later turn out to be something more sensitive and serious than the current Kashmir situation.There can be layers of possibilities derived from the imminent situation of altered Kashmir status, may resemble an aura of the settlements just like Palestine or a civil war like paradigm.
Whatever it may be, diplomatic policy designs and framework should not consider any emotional alliances or influenced plain approach notwithstanding the national interest and security of any country.
The writer is an Agronomist by profession