Female students of Government Primary Girls’ Primary School became virtual guardians of their school by thwarting the landlord’s attempt to convert it into a commercial area after illegal possession.
The minor students achieved the milestone of courage by approaching the office of SDPO Circle, DSP Tahir Ejaz on foot to register a complaint about ongoing commercial construction in their school despite being noticed of the school’s administration.
SDPO hearing the collective complaint brought the matter immediately to the notice of DPO Hussnain Haider and AC Asghar Laghari.
The Assistant Commissioner along with the revenue staff, police and SDPO himself hurtled the area to witness the veracity of the matter.
After reaching out, they observed that the illegal construction was being carried out at the front location of the school under the supervision of the landlord, Ghulam Abbas accompanied by the two sons, Muhammad Yunis, Amir and friend, Abdul Khaliq. Upon inquiry by the revenue department, it was proved that the area onto which the construction was holding belonged to the school. Police arrested the landlord and his accomplices involved in the occupation of the public property and registered separate cases against them.