The Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Prime Minister Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan on Tuesday strongly denounced the unprovoked firing at civilian population from Indian forces across the Line of Control. In a statement over the frequent incidents of ceasefire violation in the form of unprovoked firing by the Indian troops at the LoC, the AJK prime minister said that Indian brute forces have crossed all the limits of humanity and have been engaged to target the civil population of Azad Kashmir. The prime minister regretted over the continual silence of the United Nations and other international human rights organisations over the brute Indian forces firing at the LoC. He said that killing of innocent civilians due to Indian forces’ firing has become an order of the day but the world community has failed to take notice of Indian forces’ aggressions. Haider said over 600,000 civil population has been residing alongside the Line of Control and they are determined to continue their sacrifices for the defence of the motherland and their unprecedented sacrifices and velour is a golden chapter of the freedom history.
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